Also on the rise: Challenges to tackle in the new era for solar energy. Bank of America funding for solar workforce. And more.
California is looking to implement fixed monthly charges on utility bills. How does this affect residential solar?
In a virtual power plant partnership with OhmConnect, SunPower customers can earn rewards for managing electricity use during peak electricity demand hours.
Also on the rise: Driven by solar, California’s net demand hit zero on Sunday. Tracking the sun on uneven terrain. And more.
A $3 billion Department of Energy conditional loan is expected to support Sunnova’s loan program for disadvantaged communities.
The commission deemed Sunnova’s application to be an attempt to create a monopoly, while simultaneously showing affinity toward investor-owned utility-run microgrids.
Also on the rise: Meta picks utilities based on solar potential at data centers. Sunnova files for $3.3 billion Department of Energy loan. And more.
The company looks to greatly expand its rollout of solar virtual power plant services.
Also on the rise: Sunnova to deploy solar and storage virtual power plant in Texas. Bipartisan Michigan bill would unlock community solar market. And more.
In a move that was “shocking” to solar and storage provider Sunnova, the California Public Utilities Commission made yet another decision in favor of the investor-owned electric utility giants.
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