Solar Landscape plans a total of ten installations on Extra Space Storage sites, bringing reduced-cost energy to over 700 low- and moderate-income New Jersey residents.
Initial production of 700 MW of American-made modules will ramp to 2.4 GW later this year. The site includes production lines for 410 W and 550 W modules.
Solar Alliance completed the design, engineering, and installation. Plus, REAP grants help rural small businesses save on solar.
With billions of dollars of federal disaster relief funding having been allocated to restore energy infrastructure, the Center for Biological Diversity has filed a lawsuit to obtain federal records on how that money has been spent.
A U.S. research team developed a new technique to produce hydrogen from sunlight and water. It works in an indoor environment and uses pure water, concentrated solar light, and an indium gallium nitride photocatalyst.
Also on the rise: Capitalizing on the Inflation Reduction Act. Federal agencies receive updated climate guidance report. And more.
The large solar facility is part of a 1 GW portfolio of projects proposed for construction on BLM land in Arizona.
Palmetto updated its offering to enable consumer brands, utilities, and other enterprises to enter the clean energy space.
Rewiring America estimates that the average U.S. household can save $1,800 a year in utility costs by switching to all electric, plus the IRA offers added incentives.
As previously withdrawn in 2016 by the Trump Administration, the Biden-Harris administration restored federal guidance for addressing climate change
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