Maryland’s 50% by 2030 renewable energy mandate is set to become law, as Governor Larry Hogan has stated that he will not veto the measure. However, rumblings are arising that the popular GOP everyman will have a clean energy mandate of his own coming in the next calendar year.
U.S. President Donald Trump has removed Turkey from the list of developing nations not subject to Section 201 tariffs on PV cells and modules.
In this op-ed for pv magazine Tony Clifford explains the key role that state public service commissions have in shaping policy for solar, and why it is necessary for the solar industry to have an effective presence there.
Happy hump day and welcome to the pvMB. Today we bring you Texas and Illinois municipal utilities procuring solar, the DOE announcing Solar in Your Community Challenge winners, and more.
The Fronius Symo Advanced product line, which had already been NEC 2017 compliant when coupled with a Tigo TS-4, is now also certified for rapid shutdown by the SunSpec Alliance.
What was once a landmark bill to establish rights for owners of PV systems has made it to the floor of the California Senate in a dramatically reduced version.
This unprecedented development in the Hoosier State is just the beginning of a much, much bigger tidal wave of development, all of which is planned before Halloween of 2023.
The combination of solar plus storage is super-charging the deployment of batteries across the country, and IHS Markit says that the United States will become the largest market for grid-tied energy storage this year.
The decision shows regulators pushing back against allowing utilities to force their ratepayers to fund lobbying including anti-solar efforts.
Legislation calling for 15% of peak demand to be met by energy storage is moving through the House; a veto-proof increase in system sizes under net metering goes to the governor; and 215 MWac of large-scale solar projects are seeking various approvals.
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