Also on the rise: Three solar installations in Louisiana–one is a Tesla residential. Greenbacker solar project will meet 30% of Middlebury College’s electicity needs. Puerto Rico legislator calls on US Congress to oppose proposed fee on rooftop solar. T-Mobile one step closer to 100% renewable.
Puerto Rico legislator Héctor Ferrer called on Congress to use its oversight authority over Puerto Rico’s fiscal oversight board to oppose a proposed fee on rooftop solar power.
Net Energy Metering (NEM) 3.0 is expected to crush rooftop solar as proposed. In an Environmental Working Group (EWG) webinar, experts debunked NEM’s assumptions, forecast the damage the proposal would cause to California’s environment and communities. The group issued a call Governor Newsom to shut down the proposal, which many are calling a “tax on the sun”.
Cornell Researchers found that upstate New Yorkers prefer rooftop solar to community solar under 50 acres, and opinions are split 50/50 over large scale ground mounts. The distaste for utility-scale solar is strongest when converting forests, public lands, and productive farmland.
Utility rate design expert and economist-at-large Dr. Ahmad Faruqui appeared on a webinar led by Philip Shen, managing director at ROTH Capital Partners, and explained why he views the proposed California solar net metering rate design as disastrous and called upon Governor Newsom to intervene.
The company’s Mapdwell division has captured the photovoltaic potential of 107 million rooftops.
Also on the rise: Solar in Kentucky set to employ displaced coal workers, steps to take to mitigate cyberattack risks, net-metered solar up for a vote in nation’s largest rooftop solar market, and details emerge on what the Build Back Better program means for solar
Research from national labs shows word-of-mouth referrals led to among the highest adoption rates in low-income communities.
John Fitzgerald Weaver argues that we need net metering to fully recognize the value of solar power on our homes and businesses.
Also on the rise: A trade court tossed out a Trump action on bifacial modules, and a real estate giant will use its C&I database to identify sites for rooftop solar and energy storage.
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