Even before the new home solar mandate, California had achieved groundbreaking levels of solar adoption, largely due to policy and incentives, said report by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
If passed, the bill would increase Maryland’s residential clean energy grant from $1,000 to $5,000 to boost adoption of rooftop solar, create local clean energy jobs, and help meet the state’s climate goals.
While NEM 3.0 is expected is to slash the rate paid for solar energy sold back to the grid, batteries can help maintain the value of solar. The next wave of clean technology adoption, however, must seek non-lithium batteries and take advantage of new safe and affordable chemistries.
Budderfly, a Connecticut energy-as-a-service company, is reviewing new solar offerings with Ryders Health, Sonic and Subway restaurants.
Colorado residents and solar installers have accused utility Xcel Energy for having “no urgency” in installing meters and approving interconnection.
This year five states will introduce community solar programs, while net metering continues to be challenged, and flexible financing may offer a competitive edge, said Wood Mackenzie.
Researchers say that lightweight, high-performance perovskite solar modules could soon become competitive with crystalline PV modules in the residential segment, as such products will likely have lower manufacturing and balance-of-system costs in the future.
Chevron will remain a tenant of Bishop Ranch as the community owner adds 15.5 MW solar plus 7.1 MW / 14.2 MWh energy storage onto its mixed-use buildings.
Senator William Soules has filed SB 77, which states that all new homes must have an EV plug, and requires one watt of solar per square foot of heated home space.
Also on the rise: More hydrogen production coming to California. Wyoming laws seek to kill net metering and EVs. And more.
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