From Hawaii banning fossil fuels to Kentucky outlawing floating solar PV, these 10 energy bills are worth watching in 2021
The project is being constructed to help support Facebook’s data center in Newton County, Georgia, and represents the solar partners’ second such project.
A lower-cost grid would reach 22% renewable generation in 2040, compared to the 5% currently planned by Southeastern utilities, says a study from Energy Innovation and Vibrant Clean Energy. Wholesale power trading through an independent system operator would also help reduce costs.
The utilities that buy power from TVA, and the 10 million people they serve, will be limited in accessing low-cost solar power unless a federal court invalidates what a lawsuit calls TVA’s “never-ending contracts.” Three citizens’ groups brought the lawsuit, claiming TVA violated a federal environmental law.
Also in the brief: Connecticut’s cautious and failed first step on shared solar, and which states are making the most progress on emissions? Not the ones you think.
Also in the brief: Project development galore from EDF, Pine Gate, Silver Creek, Idemitsu, and Origis Energy.
South Carolina is set to surpass North Carolina in solar watts per customer. Georgia and Florida will exceed the Southeast average, while utilities in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi will continue to lag. Overall the states will reach 5% solar generation by 2023.
Also in the brief: SolarEdge is set to launch the company’s newest product, Stem Inc has launched its first solar+storage independent power producer site, PCL Construction Services has begun work on the 20 MW Odom Solar Farm and more.
Industry leaders call on Congress for immediate, targeted support for sector
Also in the brief: DOE to invest more than $5 million in tribal energy infrastructure
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