Around 12% of developers who were surveyed said they were delaying projects, and the firm’s price index ticked up 4.3% during the second quarter.
The 0.55 MW / 2.2 MWh capacity Elk Neck Battery Storage Pilot Program won regulatory approval even though its cost-benefit outlook left multiple parties questioning its value.
The report warns that because of long lead times, the window “may be closing” on transmission upgrades needed to support a range of renewable energy goals.
Texas and California lead the green grid trend, with PJM not far behind. ERCOT has 75 GW of solar in its interconnection queue — but how fast clean energy can displace natural gas and coal remains a key issue.
How the heavy-handed federal government is straying from its free market ideals and slowing down the renewable energy industry. Take FERC’s recent mandated Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) in the PJM market, for example.
Electricity consumers would pay at least $1.1 billion more per year in the 13-state PJM grid region, says a new report, while 8.5 GW of capacity sales from new solar developments would be excluded from the capacity market, and corporate solar purchase agreements could cost 50% more — if courts uphold a federal regulation known as “MOPR.”
FERC’s PJM Interconnection ruling: all utility scale nuclear and renewable energy bids must meet a new “minimum offer price rule” equivalent to any state-level incentives in order to “level the playing field” with fossil fuels.
Regional markets for energy capacity favor new gas generation over solar and storage, at a high cost to consumers. Eight U.S. Senators have taken notice, while a new report marshals the evidence.
Google pre-qualified bidders and used reverse auctions to obtain the lowest price for renewable energy. Reverse auctions for corporate purchases could potentially benefit solar developers, if their transparency and simplicity can influence more corporations to procure green power.
A new report by the Wind Solar Alliance estimates that reforms to electricity markets which it has proposed in the PJM Interconnection and Midcontinent System Operator (MISO) grids could save consumers $48-$49 per year by allowing more wind and solar.
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