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How New York State can stay on track with green-grid goals 

The Office of the New York State Comptroller suggests streamlining three parallel processes to ensure a carbon-free grid by 2040.  

Solar energy in New York state covered record 20% of state power demand

During the noon hour on May 18, 2023, NYISO reported that consumer and utility-side solar resources generated 3.33 GW of clean energy output, while the behind-the-meter portion of 3.2 GW and utility-operated 130 MW accounted for 20% of the state’s electricity demand.

New York transmission upgrades to make room for renewables

The Public Service Commission of New York State authorized 62 local transmission upgrades to eliminate constraints in delivering renewable energy.

ERCOT advanced 15 GW of solar in 2022, moving 5x faster than other RTOs/ISOs

Texas grid operator ERCOT advanced interconnection requests for 15 GW of solar projects last year, with three other grid operators advancing 9 GW. CAISO completed phase 1 studies for a large cluster of projects, while PJM and ISO-NE stayed mum on their progress.


New York grid operator advances 3 GW of solar, storage projects

After 3 GW of solar and storage projects have advanced, about 27 GW of solar and storage projects remain in New York’s interconnection queue. The grid operator also advanced 3 GW of wind projects and a 1.25 GW transmission line.

Sunrise brief: New York needs 20 GW of new renewables by 2030, plus transmission, says grid operator

Also on the rise: Inside the renewable energy Production Tax Credit (PTC). 50 states of solar incentives: Georgia. And more.

New York needs 20 GW of new renewables by 2030, plus transmission, says grid operator

Even adding 9.5 GW of renewables will increase transmission congestion, said NYISO, in a report that also called for development and commercialization of dispatchable emission-free resources.


National Grid seeks OK to let battery project participate in NYISO market

The utility said the small storage project goes unused for most of the year and could offer big learning opportunities.

Regulatory developments shaping energy storage in 2020 so far

Customized Energy Solutions and the U.S. Energy Storage Association have released a new report analyzing the regulatory, legislative and market developments relating to energy storage across the nation’s RTOs and ISOs in the first quarter of 2020.


SEIA backs carbon pricing for New York wholesale power

The solar trade association and seven solar developers have endorsed carbon pricing for wholesale electricity in New York, which would boost renewables and help New York meet its carbon goal.


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