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demand response

Multi-unit housing EV chargers participate in demand response program

The partnership between AutoGrid and SWTCH Energy marks the first demand response program in North America to incorporate EV chargers in multi-unit residential buildings

Sunrise brief: The growing demand for automation in demand response

Also on the rise: Nano-grid home runs solely on DC power. Engineering study begins for 500 MW compressed air energy storage project. And more.

California first state to require solar power and batteries in commercial structures

The state has updated its Build Energy Efficiency Standards to include requirements for solar plus storage on all commercial and multifamily homes, while also requiring that all new residential construction – which already requires solar – to be energy storage ready.


California can cut power costs almost 20% by moving its RPS to 2040

Accelerated and unprecedented additions of renewable generation and energy storage will be needed, but the cost of making the shift is far lower than the status quo, a report argues.


Product roundup: Ozop Energy Systems, SolarEdge Technologies, ChargePoint, and more

Check out this week’s list of some of the newest announcements related to clean energy products.

RFP alert: Puerto Rico launches first of six calls for renewables and storage

The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority has been ordered to procure a total of 3.75 GW or renewables and 1.5 GW of energy storage.


Is FERC Order 2222 enough to push virtual power plants into the energy mainstream?

Aggregating DERs via virtual power plants has customers, utilities and financiers all ready to buy in. With FERC Order 2222, the question for two California aggregators is whether their models will play in less DER-friendly markets.

Too cheap to keep: How throwing away power is the best way to balance the grid

Don’t build a battery that costs $1 billion, only works 2% of the time and only moves around 100 GWh of electricity. Instead, build an Energy Imbalance Market or an Extended Day Ahead Market for $100 million that moves around hundreds of GWh of electricity.


Vivint Solar joins EnergyHub in expanding PV and storage demand response programs

Can programs like EnergyHub and National Grid’s battery-powered DR turn utilities into residential solar fans?

Solar and storage would cost less than Alabama Power’s proposed 1.9 GW of gas units

An Alabama industry association and citizens’ groups say regulators should reject Alabama Power’s request to build more gas capacity.


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