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New York

A path to 20 GW of distributed solar in New York

Accelerating deployment of rooftop and community solar with supportive policies would help New York meet its goal of 70% renewable power by 2030 at lower cost, says a solar trade group.

People on the move: SolarEdge, SEIA, Mitsubishi Power Americas, and more

Job moves in solar, storage, cleantech, utilities and energy transition finance.

Sunrise brief: U.S. household energy can wield 15 GW to affordably meet electricity demand

Also on the rise: University solar projects model institutional responsibility. Public input sought for large-scale solar project in Arizona. And more.

University solar projects model institutional responsibility

With a goal of achieving net neutrality by 2030, the University at Buffalo is not just generating clean energy with its solar installations, but serving as an example of how solar can become part of the landscape.

New York governor urged to double solar deployment goal

Currently New York has a state target of 10 GW deployed by 2030. The state’s Solar Energy Industries Association has called for a new target of 20 GW of distributed solar by 2035.

People on the move: Spruce Power, ConnectDER, Amp Energy and more

Job moves in solar, storage, cleantech, utilities and energy transition finance.

Sunrise brief: New York policy authorizes $814.6 million to fund energy storage

Also on the rise: A look at the prevailing wage and apprenticeship final rule. Spontaneous glass breakage on solar panels on the rise. And more.

New York policy authorizes $814.6 million to fund energy storage

The new order puts the state on track to install 6 GW of energy storage by 2030.

People on the move: Amp Energy, Deriva Energy, Atwell LLC, and more

Job moves in solar, storage, cleantech, utilities and energy transition finance.

New York continues long duration energy storage investments with $5M funding initiative

NYSERDA is allocating $5 million to fund up to 50% of project costs for developing energy storage systems capable of operating for 10 to 100 hours, addressing key integration challenges and promoting viable economic products within New York’s energy grid.

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