Technology – Page 31 – pv magazine USA
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NREL releases online tool to estimate pumped hydro storage costs

The US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released a cost-estimation tool for new closed-loop pumped storage hydropower (PSH) plants in the United States. The tool allows operators to select from a range of system characteristics and account for factors such as local geology, labor rates and inflation.

Sunrise brief: DOE funds heated sand energy storage project pilot 

Also on the rise: Developing hydrogen fuel from iron-rich rocks. Off-grid solar bench with wireless charging and Wi-Fi, And more.

Developing hydrogen fuel from iron-rich rocks

Researchers at UT Austin received grant funds from the Department of Energy to produce hydrogen fuel from rocks in an emissions-free process.

Researchers discover additive that enhances perovskite coating process

By adding an ionic pair stabilizer to perovskite cells enables coating to take place in ambient air, simplifying the manufacturing process.

DOE funds heated sand energy storage project pilot

A modeled commercial-scale project storing energy in heated sand could produce 135 MW of power for five days. The U.S. Department of Energy is funding a pilot project intended to demonstrate commercial viability.

Roadmap to achieving Puerto Rico’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050

The report defines implementation actions, highly detailed in the PR 100 Final Report, but which are summarized into five actions from immediate to long-term to recurring.

Sunrise brief: California pivots to propose $24 average fixed fee to electric bills

Also on the rise: Solar module prices remain steady amid unchanged market fundamentals. U.S. solar industry week in review. And more.

The great untapped potential in non-residential rooftop solar for LMI residents

The team used satellite imagery and AI to track unused rooftops with good solar potential, and found that it would bring reduced energy costs to residents.

Thornova launches 720 W TOPCon solar panel with 23.2% efficiency

U.S.-based Thornova said its new panel features a power conversion efficiency spanning from 22.4% to 23.2% and a temperature coefficient of -0.29% per C. The company is a subsidiary of China-based manufacturer Sunova Solar and is currently planning a cell and module factory at an unspecified location in the United States.

Sunrise brief: Walmart makes big commitments to solar energy

Also on the rise: Maxeon claims 24.9% efficiency for IBC solar panel. Potential effect of the 2024 solar eclipse on solar energy production. And more.

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