Also on the rise: Annual added PV capacity will more than quadruple to 650 GW in 2030, says IEA. Wood Mackenzie acquired by Veritas Capital. And more.
With more than 250 GW of renewables and storage capacity waiting in the PJM interconnection queue, states served by PJM unanimously called for the grid operator to speed up its processing of interconnection requests and its transition to a “cluster study” process.
With access to grid models, Tesla said it could estimate a project’s interconnection costs with an informational study in less than two weeks. Trade groups SEIA and AEE renewed their call to allow third-party interconnection studies.
Also on the rise: World has technical potential to host 47.6 PWh of photovoltaic-thermal panels. Artificial intelligence could speed interconnection, says Amazon executive. And more.
Grid operator SPP is in discussions with Amazon Web Services about using AI to speed interconnection studies for utility-scale solar. A NextEra executive is bringing the idea to other grid operators.
Annual rooftop solar installations more than double when each homeowner’s long-term “profit” on a system increases from zero to $1,000, a study found. Based partly on that study, a Minnesota utility must now evaluate distributed solar incentives as a means to save all customers money.
In the hot summer months, thousands of residents with solar-plus-battery systems networked together to reduce peak energy costs and provide grid stability for ISO-New England’s customers.
Schneider Electric announced a project with the California Energy Commission to demonstrate the value of bidirectional EV charging.
Even adding 9.5 GW of renewables will increase transmission congestion, said NYISO, in a report that also called for development and commercialization of dispatchable emission-free resources.
As Avantus, the company looks to deploy its proprietary power plant technologies and digitally connected delivery systems at the gigawatt scale.
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