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Grids & Integration

Aspen Power completes 49.4 MW of solar projects in Georgia 

The projects will provide power to Southern Company subsidiary Georgia Power.

Department of Energy commits $1.3 billion to three multi-state transmission projects

DOE will fund the Transmission Facilitation Program projects.

California is curtailing more solar power than ever before

Curtailment, or deliberately reducing output, rises as solar generation exceeds available transmission capacity.


54,500 GW-miles of within-region transmission needed for a clean grid, says DOE

Within-region transmission must increase 64% by 2035 to enable a clean grid, says the U.S. Department of Energy. The study will support DOE’s potential designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.

Sunrise brief: Advancing iron and salt batteries with $8 million in seed funding

Also on the rise: Enphase stock slides on weakened demand, significantly lowered Q4 guidance. DOE requests input on draft roadmap to fix utility-scale interconnection. And more.

DOE requests input on draft roadmap to fix utility-scale interconnection 

The draft roadmap developed through DOE’s i2X stakeholder process details 34 approaches that would help speed interconnection and lower its cost. Last year’s stated goals to reduce interconnection costs and timelines by 50% within five years are not mentioned.

Sunrise brief: American Battery Factory breaks ground on $1.2 billion Arizona gigafactory

Also on the rise: TotalEnergies adds a 280 MW Texas solar facility to its portfolio. Sunnova misses on Q3 earnings, posts sunny forecast for 2024. And more.

Group interconnection studies: Beneficial but not a panacea

IREC’s latest analysis compares group studies with serial solar interconnection studies, concluding that while group studies can help manage queue challenges, they don’t significantly expedite necessary grid upgrades.

Overhaul regional grid operators to speed renewables, says energy lawyer

Harvard law lecturer Ari Peskoe says the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should require regional grid operators to add “under-represented voices” such as state regulators to their boards, to help speed adoption of new technologies.

U.S. Energy Department announces $3.5 billion to shore up electric grid

Investing in America will fund 58 projects across 44 States to improve grid resilience and reliability.


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