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Net Metering

Mississippi revamps its net metering policy

The new program tackles barriers to solar adoption for low-income customers through a net metering rate adder and a one-time $3,500 upfront cash rebate.


Sunrise brief: Californians will still get burned under solar killer proposal 

Also on the rise: Tigo Energy files patent lawsuit against SMA Solar in the US. DOE invests $56 million in solar manufacturing and recycling.

Californians will still get burned under solar killer proposal

NEM 3.0 would be disastrous for locally produced solar energy and harm vulnerable communities who want access to local solar and jobs. 


California solar net metering comment period closed, here’s what leaders said

California has finished collecting public comment on NEM 3.0, a policy that is considered anti-rooftop solar, and has provisions that are called “a tax on the sun.”


California launches incentive program for cities to adopt SolarAPP+

CalAPP provides grants to counties and cities that adopt DOE’s SolarAPP+ to cover time and other resources spent on adoption.

Vermont expected to delay long-term changes to solar net metering

The state’s Public Utilities Commission was considering lowering payments to customers for their excess solar generation on a long-term plan. It is now expected to delay the decision, citing complexities of the issue; however, it is expected to reduce payments by roughly 6% this year.

Sunrise brief: Six members of Congress sign letter urging DOC to continue solar anti-circumvention investigation

Also on the rise: How much will solar costs rise? The answer to where Qcells will build its manufacturing plant. Interesting gear at Intersolar. Duke and installers compromise on net metering. And more.

Duke Energy, North Carolina solar installers compromise on net metering

After intervention by some of the state’s largest rooftop solar installers, the new compromise includes a delay of time-of-use rates for net metering customers until at least 2026 and a ‘Proposed Bridge Rate’ for new net metering customers.


50 states of solar incentives: Pennsylvania

The pv magazine tour of solar incentives takes us to Pennsylvania, where natural gas plays a significant role in energy exports, and solar takes a backseat. What needs to change?


California solar policy misaligned with clean air board’s rooftop priority

The California Air Resources Board identified rooftop solar as a key to California’s carbon neutrality, but proposed legislation slashes rooftop solar value in the state.


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