A Smart Electric Power Alliance white paper sees DERMS as key to helping utilities address the trends of growing renewable generation, increasing electricity demand, adoption of virtual power plants, and a need for increasing grid resilience.
The VPP provider adds a focus on subtle energy shifts to help ratepayers lower energy costs without sacrificing their comfort.
The distributed energy resource market provider enables operators of batteries, smart EV chargers, and demand response systems to sell flexible capacity to utilities.
Five planned solar facilities will add 700 MW of capacity to a state that currently has only 376 MW of solar installed.
As a global company that specializes in electrification and automation, ABB’s acquisition of Lumin and Gamesa Electric’s inverter and converter segment, expands its repertoire serving the buildout of clean energy technologies.
Also on the rise: LCOE not correct optimization parameter of PV plants, say researchers. The great grid transition in the age of data centers and EVs. And more.
One solution is to aggregate distributed energy resources with energy management systems and energy storage, into virtual power plants, which are proving their worth as key players in increasing grid capacity and balancing the grid.
Also on the rise: U.S. House fails to move on restricting manufacturing tax credits. U.S. solar tracker and module manufacturer partner on solar solution . And more.
ES Solar says its objective is to retrofit 40% of all residential solar arrays in Utah with sonnen VPP batteries.
In partnership with Lumin, the company released an electric panel with software for controlling solar, batteries, EV chargers, and more.
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