Also on the rise: SEIA fires back at A-SMACC’s antidumping tariff request, and Enphase launches a microinverter line for microgrids.
The IQ8 solar microinverters are capable of forming a microgrid during a power outage using only sunlight, providing backup power without a battery. The systems also allow any size Enphase battery to be paired with a solar system.
Solar panels get all the attention due to their good looks, but it’s the inverters that hold all the brains behind your system. Here’s what you need to know.
Check out this week’s list of some of the newest announcements related to clean energy products.
After a Covid-19-stunted Q2, the company reported improved revenues for a second straight quarter, and closed 2020 with revenues north of $770 million.
A sample of permit and interconnection sources across several markets shows Enphase expanding its inverter market share during 2020.
Check out this week’s list of some of the newest announcements related to clean energy products.
The solar industry may have to certify that there is no forced labor in its value chain.
The US microinverter producer and the German panel maker have launched a residential glass/glass PERC module equipped Enphase IQ 7+ device. The 60-cell PERC module is available in three versions with power output ranging from 320 to 330 W and efficiencies of 18.8% to 19.4%.
The U.S. solar and storage industry is figuring out how to exchange information without exchanging Covid-19.
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