Also on the rise: Soltec launches dual-row, single axis tracker. The role of energy storage systems in the electrification movement.
Research indicates that most neighbors of solar power facilities maintain positive attitudes toward these plants until they exceed 100 MW in capacity or approximately 400 acres.
Also on the rise: New Jersey farm studies agrivoltaics with vertically mounted solar. Solar is beginning to sunset natural gas use in Texas. And more.
Rutgers reports that the vertical system fits well with the aim of the project, which is to study the benefits of agrivoltaics where there is a large energy demand and limited space.
One of the nation’s largest solar projects has been approved by the Ohio Power Siting Board.
The Solar and Storage Industries Institute developed the survey in partnership with the National Farmers Union, the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, and the Solar Energy Industries Association, to examine sentiments surrounding the development of agrivoltaic projects from various perspectives.
Also on the rise: Agriculturally integrated solar takes flight. ADT security exits rooftop solar business. And more.
With so much more agricultural real estate than Europe, the United States is building on the body of research and rolling out solar panels on farmland at an impressive rate.
Also on the rise: Small-scale solar best for environment but agrivoltaics may be the answer. BLM seeks public comment on 400 MW solar project near Las Vegas. And more.
A lifecycle analysis finds that although it’s better for the environment to put solar on a roof, a mix of both is needed.
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