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Data center capacity is soaring, along with investment and land use

According to a Wood Mackenzie report, data centers developed since 2023 exceeded 92 GW of capacity at the end of 2024.

A Virginia proposal would give the state a role in siting solar and storage over 20 MW

A draft recommendation calls for creating a Virginia advisory board that would regularize permitting of large solar and storage projects, to help guide the state toward meeting its clean energy goals.

Hitachi Energy expands transformer and switchgear manufacturing

The company plans to expand its high-voltage switchgear and breakers factory in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, a distribution, power, and traction transformer factory in South Boston, Virginia, and to build a distribution transformer factory in Mexico.

TMEIC announces 9 GW utility-scale solar inverter factory in Texas

The Japan-headquartered manufacturer plans a 144,000 square foot U.S. facility.

Virginia General Assembly passes pro-solar legislation

Going into effect July 1, passage of House Bill 1062 and Senate Bill 271 will further incentivize solar and energy storage at the residential and commercial levels. 

Sunrise brief: Community solar provider secures over half-billion-dollar investment

Also on the rise: Virginia governor signs legislation establishing community solar. How safe are LFP batteries? And more.

Virginia governor signs legislation establishing community solar

Virginia targets 30% renewable energy by 2030, and 100% by 2050. While much of the buildout thus far has been at the utility-scale, this legislation now opens a market for the buildout of shared solar for Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power .

Blue Ridge Power plans 164 MW solar tracker-based plant in Virginia

Soltec to supply SF7 trackers that were introduced to the U.S. market last month, and are not only designed to adapt to terrain, but can be locally manufactured, the company reports.

Sunrise brief: Geothermal heat pumps help decarbonize energy use and more

Also on the rise: All solar cell efficiencies at a glance. Dominion activates Virgina’s largest grid-scale battery storage facility. And more.

Dominion activates Virgina’s largest grid-scale battery storage facility

The 20 MW / 80 MWh energy storage will serve Dominion Energy customers.

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