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United States

How solar emergency microgrids provide resilience to vulnerable communities

In this op-ed for pv magazine, Clean Coalition’s Dr. Frank Wasko explores how microgrid projects by Solar Saves Lives and other organizations show that communities can build back right and prepare for natural disasters.

Michigan utilities concede to 25% renewable energy by 2030

DTE Energy and Consumers have reached an agreement with the Tom Steyer-backed campaign and are adopting 25% renewable energy goals, with Consumers seeking 40% by 2040.


Distributed energy, with fewer wires

A SEIA white paper describes the concept of non-wire solutions and how this innovation can boost solar PV and other distributed energy resources.

Hurricane Maria moves Solartech Universal’s expansion to South Florida

Solartech Universal plans to expand its current 80 MW/year capacity by 180 MW/year. The company is seeking a facility in South Florida.

GameChange Solar to provide 350 MW of racking, tracking for Florida projects

The mounting systems maker expects to deliver these systems over the next few months, as Florida’s solar market continues to boom.

House committee calls for cuts in renewable energy R&D, more money for fossil fuels

The House Committee on Appropriations has moved forward legislation to cut the department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office by $243 million, while increasing funding for fossil fuel programs and nuclear energy.

Solar and wind power will drive the value of energy storage, remaking the power grid

A much heralded report shows solar and wind will lower wholesale prices, but it also shows a coming evolution in the pricing profile of the grid. These shifts in timing, shape, regularity and length will drive energy storage demand.


Solar and wind can safely replace coal in Southern Illinois

A study sponsored by NRDC and Sierra Club finds that old coal plants can be retired and safely replaced by solar and other resources, which will reduce pollution and save money for utility customers

Massachusetts marches on the capital for solar power

Over 100 solar workers visited the Massachusetts State House and held over 60 meetings with legislators and staff pushing positive political action on solar-related issues.

Vivint Solar to use LG’s RESU residential energy storage system

The nation’s third-largest residential solar company is rolling out the batteries first in California, with plans to offer them nationwide by the end of 2018.


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