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2018 solar power year in review (part 2)

In part 2 we look at more of some of the action in 2018, from the dramatic growth of the 100% renewable energy movement to California’s mandate for rooftop solar on new homes.


PA’s largest solar farm to power Philly government buildings

The 70 MW Adams solar farm will be by far the largest in the state when completed in 2020 and its electricity will power 22% of the demand from Philadelphia government buildings.

Pennsylvania makes plans to meet new RPS initiative

The initiative calls for 10% of electricity generation by 2030 to come from solar resources. For a state who’s entire installed capacity is smaller than singular projects in other states, it’s a tall order.

Coal decline is good news, but solar will fight for its share against gas

10 GW of coal plants have already retired this year, and this is expected to hit 15.4 GW by the year’s end. But solar will have to compete with the “rush to gas” to replace this capacity.


Philadelphia finds a new way to support low-income solar

In this op-ed for pv magazine, Bentham Paulos examines how Philadelphia is using Solarize to bring the benefits of solar to low-income residents.

Pennsylvania lays out a plan for 11 GW of solar by 2030

The state’s environmental department has participated in a study which calls for the state to increase installed solar 36-fold, to reach 10% of all generation by 2030.

PJM capacity auction results show solar boom

The results of a 2021/2022 auction saw an additional 964 MW of utility-scale solar projects bidding in to supply capacity, suggesting a boom in solar.

Section 201 solar tariffs to be felt across market segments (w/chart)

GTM Research has issued new details that show that distributed solar installations will also see a more than 10% decline from the base case through 2022.

Pennsylvania offers $30 million to create solar jobs

Before the ink was even dry on Governor Tom Wolf’s signature on Act 40 – designed to stabilize the state’s solar market – the governor has made money available for companies that deploy and create solar jobs.


Rocky Mountain Institute issues guide for greener cities

The RMI handbook provides a template to reduce and eliminate cities’ carbon footprints, including solar implementation strategies and examples.

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