PPA prices have been rising steadily since the end of last year and, according to solar developers, interconnection delays, permitting challenges, and supply chain constraints are likely to keep them high.
Leaders from across the solar industry came together at Solar & Energy Storage Southeast 2021 in Atlanta to discuss efforts to diversify the workforce and break down traditional barriers.
The installation will provide the College with about 30% of its total electricity usage and bring Middlebury to 100% renewable power upon completion.
The bill’s long-term commitments reduced oversight for Duke Energy outweigh the renewable capacity increases and coal retirements it promises, according to those against it.
the goal represents a 700% increase in installed community solar capacity and comes with the tandem goal of creating $1 billion in energy bill savings.
Accelerated and unprecedented additions of renewable generation and energy storage will be needed, but the cost of making the shift is far lower than the status quo, a report argues.
The solar manufacturing supply chain is among the Chinese industries hit by a combination of soaring power demand, coal shortages for power generation, and carbon emission reduction measures.
Solar is growing at an unrivaled rate, and wind is now the nation’s largest single renewable energy source.
The funds have led to the completion of 30 solar + storage projects in low-income communities, with 63 more on the way.
Analysts at NREL modeled PV recycling strategies and found that current incentives are not well-aligned to drive recycling.
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