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6 GW for New York by 2025, PG&E keeps paying: pvMB 11/27/19

Hello one and all and because we won’t be around to say it tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving! Today, however, we’ve got ConncetGen’s new CEO, Brownfields in Minnesota and more!

If solar and wind are so cheap, why are their haters making so much noise

A report from US research labs shows natural gas as the leading reason wholesale electricity pricing has fallen over the last decade across the country, however, looking at key markets it is clear there are larger downward effects where wind and solar have been most heavily deployed.


Springbok foreshadows Capital Dynamics upcoming development dominance

The 450 MWdc cluster is finally fully operational in California, heralding the start of a Capital Dynamics project pipeline that encompasses multiple GW across the utility and C&I spaces.

Vermont letting homeowners sell solar power direct to business

Green Mountain Power has launched a real time blockchain tracked peer to peer platform, starting December 2, to allow businesses to purchase solar power from customers who own the rights to the renewable energy credits via a phone app, using LO3 Energy’s backend software.


Hardware – energy storage – brief: Sunverge+LG, SMA+Dynapower, Cybertruck (Updated), more!

Since we got a lot of energy storage links this week, we decided to throw a whole bunch in at once! As well, we see that polysilicon modules are still edging downward in price, Green Rhino has a portable solar+storage system, the EIA showing that most energy storage installed in the USA is lithium ion, and a bit more!


NextEnergy buys big in North Carolina, project proposals flood Hawaii: pvMB 11/21/19

Hello one and all and welcome to your morning brief! Today we’ve got a grid modeling webinar, fertilizer created by solar, Sungrow storage in Florida and more!

Calling all California solar and storage developers – 6,000+ systems, 32 MW+ request for proposals

Four California CCAs have combined to release a joint RFP in Alameda, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties for developers to build out distributed energy storage at local homes, multifamily properties, and commercial buildings that can keep the locations running when the grid is powered down.


SRP joins the big boys of battery storage

Salt River Project has announced a 250 MW, 1,000 MWh battery project, located in Little Rainbow Valley. The project will be the largest in Arizona and among the largest in the country.


Hardware Brief: 26.5¢/W modules, new silicon carbide inverters, dual axis tracker 4 year ROI, drones!!

Modules and inverters and trackers, oh my! PV InfoLink sees as low as 21¢/W modules on the spot market, Kaco has released a series of 1000V and 1500V inverters between 87 and 150 kW, Mechatron’s dual axis tracker took the place of a carport, and Drone Magnetic Survey Company has figured out that there’s a niche finding old wells and metal under solar fields!


Clorox is going solar, Downtown Denver’s biggest rooftop project: pvMB 11/14/19

Hello one and all and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ve got on the docket we’ve got the groundbreaking of the King Solar project in North Smithfield, Rhode Island, a Sunworks project in Massachusetts, and Simon’s solar.


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