The partnership would pursue cost-effective solar projects that benefit ratepayers and provide “environmental justice and economic equity to the Navajo Nation,” after the city received power from the coal-burning Navajo Generating Station for decades—and paid less than fair value for coal, land leasing, and water, say advocates.
Also in the brief: Solis has earned SunSpec rapid shutdown certification, EDF renewables has partnered with Cubic Corporation on a solar, storage and EV charging installation, NextEra Energy has raised $4 million in COVID-19 emergency assistance and more.
Also in the brief: Montana high school students raise money for a solar installation, Pacific Gas & Electric is tapping into two Li-ion battery storage projects, a startup from Germany has developed a solar-powered UV disinfection station and more.
Also in the brief: Boston Scientific goes renewable in American operations, a semi-temporary solar farm for Holy Cross Energy, a roadmap to Pandemic Resilience and more.
Dubbing the measure an “emergency regulation,” the incentive program’s capacity has been expanded to 3.2 GW of incentive blocks, with specific carve-outs for smaller projects and low-income community solar projects.
Even as global PV forecasts fall, tax equity dries up and unemployment rises, Jim Spano, co-founder of RadiantREIT, believes that the right type of government stimulus could not only help the solar industry recover — but drive it to new heights.
Northern Indiana Public Service Company, in collaboration with Inovateus Solar has installed 420 kilowatts across three “zero-waste” projects at NIPSCO office locations — the first step towards the 2.3 gigawatts the utility has planned by 2023.
Also in the brief: The $400 million, 500 MW PV project in Oman, Tampa Electric Company is looking to double its solar capacity, New York passes renewable siting legislation and more.
Also in the brief: 250 MW have been proposed for the New York Town of Verona, Duke wants to double up on annual solar rebate deadlines and Maryland makes interconnection easier.
An Alabama industry association and citizens’ groups say regulators should reject Alabama Power’s request to build more gas capacity.
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