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New York community solar proposal “solving a problem that’s already been solved”

National Grid and NYSERDA have filed a petition with state regulators that would significantly change the opt-out community solar program structure. While this petition wasn’t filed maliciously, it could have a hugely negative effect on a flourishing market, according to one expert.

OYA begins work on 140 MW New York community solar

The company plans to bring 140 MW of community solar online by the end of 2022, and has signed an agreement to bring as much as 240 MW to the state in the coming years.

Trade group rejects China’s claims in CSPV import dispute with the U.S.

A WTO dispute panel rejected all four claims against the U.S. relating to safeguard measures that the Trump administration imposed on solar panels imported from China.


LG to supply RWE with 200 MW of storage

The capacity will be coming across two RWE solar + storage projects in the US, though the specific projects have not yet been announced.


New York’s opt-out community solar program begins, but big changes loom

The pilot allows entire communities to purchase the output of community solar farms, delivering that energy to their residents. A new proposal, however, would look to shake up project ownership.


Tennessee utility able to construct solar project thanks to TVA Flexibility Program

The 7.5 MW Dancing Horse Solar project will provide energy to power over 1000 homes across Loudon County and Monroe County, thanks to a recent TVA program that allows member utilities to meet 5% of their electrical need through distributed resources.


Developers target Ohio for big solar capacity additions

Solar projects totaling more than 1.1 GW in potential capacity have public hearings coming up this fall, as Ohio experiences a rush of developer proposals.


PacifiCorp’s new IRP includes plans to ditch coal

While the full Integrated Resource Plan has yet to be submitted to regulators, we now know that PacifiCorp is planning no new investments in gas or coal, with plans to retire all coal units by 2040.

Constellation to supply a host of corporate customers with 140 MW of Texas solar

Constellation will buy 140 MW of the planned 200 MW Big Star Solar Project currently under development near Austin.

Soltage and Harrison street partner on a 20 MW community solar and PURPA portfolio

The partnership is the two companies’ second under Soltage’s Iris capital vehicle, and the two ultimately plan on deploying 450 MW of new distributed solar and storage projects across the United States together.

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