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Installing residential solar and storage in Silicon Valley

“I kind of compliment PG&E because they’re our best marketing department when it comes to battery storage,” says Barry Cinnamon of Cinnamon Energy Systems in the first part of our interview.


Hardware brief: modules at 30¢/W, Enphase selling direct, solar+water, more!

It’s Friday, and Friday is the day you get to see new gear! Ideal Energy has put out a great white paper on a solar+storage demand charge management project, 8minute Solar Energy talks up their advanced solar power plant software partners, and Northern Reliability Company shows off the beautiful energy storage gear they assemble.


Finding America’s most solar city

Cape Analytics has published a report breaking down which cities in America are home to the most solar per capita. Not to spoil anything, but be prepared to see a whole lot of California.

♪ Just a spoonful of solar panel cleaning, helps the revenue go up – the revenue go up! ♪

Solar panel cleaning involves an analysis of cost versus gain, with a collection of system variables like system size, location, panel angle, local labor costs – and of course the potential gains driving annual cleaning events.


More megawatts, more problems: solar power denial of service attack

sPower was on the receiving end of a cyberattack in March that caused Cisco firewalls to crash, limiting visibility of operations at multiple wind and solar power plants totaling up to 500 MW of capacity. No negative outcomes were observed, and the path to exploit this vulnerability has been patched.


Navy engineer wants infrared scanning and disciplined data to stop solar fires

Lawrence Shaw says understanding solar module hotspots via infrared scans can help quell residential rooftop fire risks, while suggesting missing data represents missing work. Shaw also found the missing USA solar fire data.


SPI Day 3: solar tools, solar modules, electrical panel upgrades, future inverters, more!

Nineteen thousand people walked the floor at the United States’ largest *energy conference* – not just solar power conference – and it is a bit sad to end, but the education, handshakes, and hardware were great.


SPI day 2: Virtual reality, energy storage, big machines, ping pong & more!

Walking the floor at Solar Power International means swimming in new hardware, smart company representatives, and new ideas. Here are a few.


Solar power installation techniques – don’t do this! (w/pictures)

Solar installation inspection results of 100 sites in Rhode Island found 50% of large-scale projects had issues, while 83% of small projects had them – with 30% and 26% of those systems having “critical” issues, respectively.


Radio killed the solar power operations and maintenance contract

Enel’s vision of future inverters include individual sub component health monitoring, while Southern Power spoke of paying closer attention to onsite transformers while presenting at O&M conference PV Operations Dallas 2019.


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