California Energy Commission awarded a grant to BoxPower through a program intended to accelerate production of clean energy technologies.
Also on the rise: Stable solar power purchase agreement prices present “window of opportunity”. Arcadia raises $50 million to bring AI to community solar. And more.
Puerto Rico led the nation in per-capita residential solar installations last year, but continued progress is threatened because a law extending solar net metering through 2031 has been challenged by a federal oversight board.
EnergySage marketplace data from the second half of 2023 shows moderate declines in cost for solar and energy storage.
The renewable energy conference, RE+ 2024, taking place in September in Anaheim, California, will showcase German clean energy companies in the Spotlight Country Pavilion.
Elin has an agreement with key U.S. distributors and will begin with 1 GW annual production, intending to increase to 2 GW within 18 months, the company reports.
Also on the rise: Enphase Energy releases control software for home solar, battery systems. Final rules for renewable energy development on public lands And more.
pv magazine USA spotlights news stories of the past week including market trends, project updates, policy changes and more.
Also on the rise: Renewables and storage interconnection backlog grew about 30% last year. California’s electricity multi-crisis can be aided by virtual power plants. And more.
By operating distributed resources like solar, batteries and demand response devices in concert, California ratepayers could be paid $500 to $1,000 per year while improving resource adequacy.
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