Managed charging is valuable in systems with high levels of variable renewables because it provides the flexibility to match supply and demand.
Utility rate design expert and economist-at-large Dr. Ahmad Faruqui appeared on a webinar led by Philip Shen, managing director at ROTH Capital Partners, and explained why he views the proposed California solar net metering rate design as disastrous and called upon Governor Newsom to intervene.
48 of the initial 83 companies have been found to have not be manufacturing or exporting any subject merchandise.
Florida utility FPL has been mulching solar panel packaging — cardboard boxes and pallets — and saving approximately $130,000 per 75 MWac site versus standard disposal practices.
One of its largest acquisitions to date, Standard Solar gains the fully operational Mountain Home project from True Green Capital Management.
Also on the rise: Nearly half of all new capacity added to the grid will come from solar. Washington community solar bill garners support. Optimizer manufacturer Alencon expands manufacturing and R&D facilities outside of Philadelphia. GoodWe rebranding reflects the ‘smarts’ in its inverters and storage technology. Three California community choice jointly issued an RFP.
About 46% of new generating capacity is expected to be PV, giving it the largest share of the new generation mix.
The company has also doubled its workforce and improved the energy efficiency of the facility, which is used to manufacture Alencon’s galvanically isolated DC:DC optimizers and research next-generation technology innovations.
House Bill 1814 places a focus on expanding the opportunities for low-income residents to realize the benefits of renewable energy through the installation of community solar projects throughout the state.
The investment is planned to support development and construction of Hydrostor’s 1.1 GW, 8.7 GWh of Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage projects that are well underway in California and Australia, and help expand Hydrostor’s project development pipeline globally.
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