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Maine utility admits solar interconnection faults, hiring consultants

Central Maine Power Company admitted that its solar power interconnection processes were at fault in 2020-2021, and has offered a settlement that includes hiring grid analysts, funding a working group between the industry and utility, and greatly tightening upgrade cost estimates.

Sunrise brief: Thousands of Californians protest NEM 3.0 in solar jobs rally

Also on the rise: Solar Games kicks off at Intersolar. Cornell researchers uncover New Yorkers’ preferences for solar locations. Enphase sees spike in microinverters plus storage in Colorado. NextEra adds 100 MW battery to SRP Arizona project. TerraSmart experts talk ground screw vs. piles for utility and C&I projects. Andy Sendy of SolarReviews offers an alternative to NEM 3.0.

Green Power EMC, Silicon Ranch announce 252 MW Georgia solar portfolio

Three projects are set to be in operation by 2024 and will be owned, operated and maintained by Silicon Ranch.


Thousands of Californians protest NEM 3.0 in solar jobs rally

Organized by the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA), protestors loudly proclaimed their opposition to the proposed net metering policy that many experts say may be catastrophic to the solar industry.


The Solar Games competition kicks off at Intersolar North America, Energy Storage North America 2022

The Solar Games, launched two years ago at Intersolar North America 2020, pits teams of solar installers in a showdown of grid-tied and off-grid prowess.

Survey says 95% of shoppers would not buy solar under NEM 3.0

Andy Sendy of SolarReviews explained to pv magazine why he believes the proposed decision would kill the California solar industry, and to offer a possible alternative.


All solar is equal, rooftop solar is more equal

Cornell Researchers found that upstate New Yorkers prefer rooftop solar to community solar under 50 acres, and opinions are split 50/50 over large scale ground mounts. The distaste for utility-scale solar is strongest when converting forests, public lands, and productive farmland.


Navigating the foundation: risk vs. reward

Comparing the benefits and costs of ground screws vs. piles for utility and C&I systems.


Salt River Project taps NextEra Energy to add battery storage to Arizona project

The 100 MW Saint Solar project in Coolidge, Arizona will get a 100 MW storage system capable of providing four hours of energy

Sunrise brief: Solar panels, racking and inverters stationed on Tesla’s gigafactory roof offer a glimpse of the project underway.

Also on the rise: LBL report looks at compensating customers for grid-connected batteries. Supply chain problems that drove up costs of solar power equipment will ease in 2022. Efforts to retrieve lithium from geothermal brine increasing in popularity. Encore Renewable Energy, The Brattle Group, ACORE and others announced new hires.

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