With only 87 MW deployed, Tesla/SolarCity may no longer be the largest distributed solar company in the United States, but its energy storage business is growing.
Elon Musk’s transportation and energy company has returned to the big box superstore with PV systems and its Powerwall batteries, but no Solar Roofs
The head of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo), Eduardo Bitran said that Tesla may partner with local lithium manufacturer SQM in the construction of a factory. The Chilean government and SQM have recently settled a dispute that began in 2014.
The President’s proclamation provides a path for specific products to apply for exemption from tariffs, which had been sought by both SunPower and the government of Korea. Additionally, imports from a number of developing nations are exempt as long as import levels remain small.
The company also says that it has begun installation of the Solar Roof on the homes of non-employee homeowners.
The island’s largest residential solar installer is asking Congress to modify the investment tax credit (ITC) into a cash-grant program, which it says would encourage private investment in the area.
The nation’s highest court will decide whether or not to dismiss a case that strikes at the heart of utility monopolies.
According to numbers crunched by GTM Research, Sunrun supplied a larger volume of solar leases and PPAs than SolarCity, and if current trajectories continue will have a larger presence in the residential market in 2018 if not sooner.
Sunrun installed only 17% less solar than Tesla/SolarCity during Q3, as the only of the big three residential solar companies that is still growing
The nation’s largest residential PV installer deployed only 109 MW of solar during Q3, its lowest level in many years, but it did install 110 MWh of battery storage.
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