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Inside GlidePath’s merchant battery in Texas

The 10 MW project is the largest battery that the company has installed in Texas, and will sell power and ancillary services into the spot market with no contract. It might not be the last.


Texas real-time pricing provider plans to expand with EDF Group funding

The pioneering firm Griddy says that its real-time pricing app shows customers when they can use more low-priced solar and wind power, while saving money in the process. An investment from EDF Group will help Griddy expand its reach to the New York and PJM grid regions.

Texas’ biggest project has its buyers

The 690 MWdc Taygete solar project has secured an off-taker for its second phase, opening the doors for construction to begin on one of the biggest solar plants seen in the United States to date.

Texas’ largest solar project, a behemoth of national scale, breaks ground

497 MWdc of solar power is coming to Upton County, Texas, as Enel Green Power North America stakes its claim for the largest project in the Lone Star state.


Texas’ solar market is about to catch fire

With more than 5 GW of approved solar projects in the ERCOT grid, Texas is getting ready for a major boom in its utility-scale solar market.


Solar tsunami

Developers have applied to build 139 GWac of large-scale solar projects in the territory of six grid operators – around five times what is currently online across the country – and that figure doesn’t even cover the entire United States. By any metric, we are looking at an unprecedented boom in solar development over the next five years.

Renewables reduced wholesale power costs by $5.7 billion in Texas

A recent report puts numbers to the power of wind and solar to reduce wholesale prices in ERCOT. And there is a lot more coming.


Texas is going green: 86% of future capacity solar or wind, zero coal

ERCOT’s pipeline of projects has ballooned to almost 80 GW. 12 GW of this is gas and the rest is wind and solar power plants, as well as 522 MW of energy storage.


11 GW of Texas solar would complement existing wind power

A study by UT-Austin finds that 11 GW of solar power in Texas would be the optimal capacity to complement the state’s existing wind generation in meeting electricity demand throughout the year. While the results reflect a carbon price scenario, they may still provide near-term guidance.

Texas power grid begging for solar power

ERCOT has set mid-day demand records, while aiming for pricing maximums over the past week as summer heat broke state records – all of which creates tremendous opportunities for solar.


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