Weeks after its installation, the battery energy storage system restored power to a rural part of Maryland prone to power outages.
Loan guarantees by Loan Programs Office intend to finance grid enhancement to build resilience and expand access to affordable electricity for the people of Puerto Rico.
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The loan guarantee is intended to finance a Convergent Energy and Power solar system with integrated battery energy storage and three stand-alone energy storage projects across Puerto Rico.
Also on the rise: Solar energy needs to be a bipartisan issue, U.S. adds 3.8 GW of storage in Q3, solar manufacturing slows in bid to balance supply and demand, and more.
Also on the rise: Flexible interconnection can generate 176% more revenue for community solar. The solar industry’s top 10 priorities for Trump. And more.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group provided the funding to help Convergent Energy and Power advance its energy storage and solar portfolio in North America.
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