Grid-scale and residential storage installations set new records despite supply chain and pricing issues.
With standardization and automation, interconnection studies “could be completed in months instead of years,” the groups told federal energy regulators, backing up their claim with a detailed plan to achieve that goal.
The Department asked that the group of unnamed companies reveal themselves and provide details on whether or not they have sales or production interests in three Asian countries.
The U.S. has passed 170 GW in installed utility solar, battery storage and wind power, with 26 GW of clean energy projects brought online in 2020.
Fifteen utility-scale solar projects and two energy storage projects became operational during the first quarter, alongside a 40% increase in wind capacity. Even more is on the horizon, according to a new report.
Job moves in solar, storage, cleantech, utilities, and energy transition finance.
The bill aims to thaw frozen tax-equity markets and help the solar and clean energy sectors recover from the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
A coalition of clean energy CEOs dubbed the October 2020 proclamation “ill conceived” and called for a repeal in order to restore certainty to the U.S. solar market.
Also in the brief: Utility definition continues to dog regulators as PSC considers Milwaukee solar case
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