Trina Solar has been manufacturing its 500 W modules for a month now and plans to increase module output to more than 600 W in the future.
The Nordic nation is now the third European country to wave goodbye to coal for power generation. Another 11 European states have made plans to follow suit over the next decade.
Also in the brief: California regulators will include avoided transmission costs to the valuation of distributed energy resources, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority has signed two power contracts, Philadelphia has reopened its Solarize Philly program and more.
Also in the brief: Montana high school students raise money for a solar installation, Pacific Gas & Electric is tapping into two Li-ion battery storage projects, a startup from Germany has developed a solar-powered UV disinfection station and more.
The solar efficiency leader remains on track to complete its planned split into two independently focused pure-play solar companies by the end of the second quarter.
Executive and boardroom moves in solar, storage, energy, utilities and venture capital.
Perhaps it is not surprising a report co-produced by Europe’s solar industry places PV at the heart of a zero-carbon, mid-century energy system on the continent. However, the study does flesh out two out of three scenarios in which becoming carbon-neutral by 2050, or even 2040, could be possible.
Iberdrola’s 500 MW Núñez de Balboa solar park has started commercial operations, following the completion of construction in December.
German industrial giants Uniper and Siemens are working together to advance the use of green hydrogen and replace conventional, gas-fired hydrogen production plants.
Also in the brief: The $400 million, 500 MW PV project in Oman, Tampa Electric Company is looking to double its solar capacity, New York passes renewable siting legislation and more.
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