Also in the brief: NYSEIA forms the Long Island Solar & Storage Alliance, Sol-Ark named a finalist for “American-Made Solar Prize,’ Gas South and Cobb EMC break ground on solar + storage project and more.
Florida led the region for small-scale installations, while Maryland kept the lead on a per-capita basis. Solar advocates look to improve opportunities for distributed solar throughout the region in 2020.
At least seven utilities chose to bias their resource modeling against solar in 2019. The good news is that transparent utility modeling could fix the problem.
Deer fence installed upside down lets foxes and other small wildlife through to forage and pursue prey. Solar developers in Tennessee and North Carolina have the photos to prove it.
Thousands of people across the Southeast have opposed utility plans to increase fixed fees on monthly bills, including a Georgia Power case to be decided soon. Making customers with solar “go away” is an explicit goal of at least one utility.
The Tennessee Valley Authority will offer just over 2 cents per kWh for distributed solar, although TVA’s prior calculations show a value of 7.2 cents per kWh, or higher when counting avoided pollution. An environmental lawsuit may be brewing.
Hello one and all and thank you for starting your workweek with the pvMB. Today we’ve got TVA contract drawbacks outweighing benefits for Knoxville, a Delaware solar farm expansion, the Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee calling out utility obstruction to rooftop solar and more!
Emails show that the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity provided utility commissioners with a template letter to FERC – which some commissioners copied word-for-word.
This op-ed from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy argues that the utility does not have any intention of installing 14 gigawatts (GW) of solar over the next 20 years, and notes that the power company has only budgeted for 5.5 GW of solar during that time period.
Memphis is studying the potential to save money by exiting its contract with TVA. At issue is how much solar and storage to include in any new generating portfolio.
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