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Some sunbelt states are sunny side down on rooftop solar

A new report sheds light on primarily states, primarily in the sunbelt, that dampen (or drown) rooftop solar through bad policies, or none at all.

Utilities weaken distributed solar power with policy wins

Utilities have been trying to dismantle net metering and/or wreck the economics of customer-sited solar for years. In the first quarter of 2018, they saw some significant victories.


Michigan dismantles net metering

Over the protests of many different parties, Michigan has become the latest state to experiment with destroying the fundamental policy for distributed solar in the United States.


Solar MIA in DTE renewable energy plan

The Michigan utility plans only 13 MW-AC of solar over the next four years to meet state renewable energy mandate requirements, including zero MW of community solar.


From fossil fuel to fossil fuel-lite

A proposal by DTE Energy to replace coal fired generation with natural gas gets regulator staff approval in a rut.


Opposition arises to Michigan plans to kill net metering

A proposed drastic change by the Michigan regulatory agency to end net metering later this year has hundreds registering opposition comments.


Michigan utility will phase out coal by 2040, CEO says

Consumers Energy says it wants to reduce its carbon emissions by 80% on the same time frame as it completely phases out coal and replacing it with renewable sources like wind and solar.

Michigan solar total remains low among renewable energy options

The total volume of PV in Michigan remains small for the size of the state, especially as a percentage of renewable energy, as reported by state regulator.


Michigan group starts ballot campaign for 30% by 30 renewable energy

Clean Energy, Healthy Michigan has started collecting signatures to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that would extend the state’s Renewable Energy Standard to 30% by 2030 after the current targets are met in 2021.

DTE customers could save $340 million with clean energy compared to proposed gas plant

In this op-ed, Union of Concerned Scientist’s Sam Gomberg argues that Michigan consumers could be getting a much better deal with solar and wind, as compared to DTE’s plans for a new gas plant.


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