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On the floor at SPI – touchless snow removal, perovskite tandem cells, gapless solar modules, more!

pv magazine USA is at Solar Power International in Salt Lake City, Utah this week and showing off some hardware from the floor. And most impressive is that innovation is still happening in solar modules, but also in many other complementary technologies.


Hardware: Q Cell and Solaria all black, Sunfolding’s summer body, NY sheep services, more!

Hardware, get your fresh hardware! SunPower is releasing energy storage, solar module pricing looks flat, and make sure to shake pv magazine hands as we walk the floor at Solar Power International in Salt Lake City next week!

Solar power installation techniques – don’t do this! (w/pictures)

Solar installation inspection results of 100 sites in Rhode Island found 50% of large-scale projects had issues, while 83% of small projects had them – with 30% and 26% of those systems having “critical” issues, respectively.


SunSystem Tech acquires Power Overhaul, New York puts its largest battery online: pvMB 09/17/19

Today we also bring you Green Mountain Power and Tesla furthering their collaboration, solar veteran Frank DeRosa joining 8minute Solar Energy, and Tesla waiving its “system removal charge” for the month of September.

How solar power operations and maintenance costs fell 50%

Robb Wilson of sPower has seen the field evolve along with technology, and shared some of the institutional knowledge he has gained over the years.


Radio killed the solar power operations and maintenance contract

Enel’s vision of future inverters include individual sub component health monitoring, while Southern Power spoke of paying closer attention to onsite transformers while presenting at O&M conference PV Operations Dallas 2019.


Hardware brief: Tesla solar patents, RBI’s “Underground Surety”, solar+storage+SCADA, more!

Hey, when you see me at SPI in Salt Lake City – make sure to show me things to take a picture of so I can get it into the brief! Otherwise, enjoy your weekend and some gear: small scale solar from Morningstar’s SureSine, module pricing trending downward, more!


Making the connection: Fires & electrical balance of systems

Walmart’s allegation that some of the fires in the solar plants on the roofs of its stores were started by connectors echoes concerns the industry has had for some time. And the problems go far beyond one manufacturer or installer.


Walmart accuses Tesla of gross negligence in fire lawsuit

The picture that Walmart is painting of Tesla/SolarCity installation and O&M practices in its lawsuit is not a pretty one.


When disaster strikes

In this guest post George Irwin of ReNew Petra explains the essential role of skilled operations and maintenance teams in both preparation for and recovery from hurricanes.

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