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Arkansas’ largest project breaks ground, Amazon announces more than 300 MW: pvMB 12/4/19

Hello everybody and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ve got rooftop solar saving everyone money, Hires at Key Capture and the Lion King of solar.


Hanergy-owned Alta Devices laid off 250 employees without notice

Alta Devices built and sold record-setting gallium-arsenide solar cells but its acquirer Hanergy ran out of patience and cash.

Ralph Lauren joins RE100, a solar Six Flags: pvMB 12/3/19

Hello everybody and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ve got for you a residential solar company scamming customers, POWERHOME Solar showing out at the Biz Awards, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking out against unlawful union firings and more!

pv magazine announces veteran industry journalist, Eric Wesoff, as US senior editor

pv magazine group welcomes Eric Wesoff as the new editorial leader of the U.S. platform. With two decades of experience working in the renewable energy industry, Wesoff brings a plethora of expertise in solar power, advanced batteries, clean technology investing and finance, utility structures, and the electric grid.


DTE establishes renewables arm

The energy giant has split, creating a company with the sole purpose of managing its clean power business. That clean power, at least for the foreseeable future, will include negligible amounts of solar.

Two programs launched to get veterans working in solar

The Solar Foundation has partnered with other high-profile groups to create two workforce development programs for transitioning military service members and veterans. The initiatives show an increased commitment by an industry which already hires more veterans than the national average.

Former employee sues Momentum Solar for racial discrimination

The company now faces its second lawsuit this year featuring allegations of racial discrimination and intimidation aimed at black employees by white coworkers and managers.


PG&E backup batteries, new community solar in New York: pvMB 10/24/19

Happy Thursday everybody and welcome to the pvMB! Today we’ve got for you a TerraForm notes update, the first ever LA area Contractor Day, a California SOMAH public forum announcement and more!

Employment abounds: new board additions at PG&E and a new executive at Western Resource Advocates: pvMB 10/16/19

Hello happy people and welcome to this Wednesday’s pvMB. Today we’ve got community solar in Massachusetts and Maryland, Florida Man trying to evict the sun and more!

We love solar when we don’t have to look at it, SHINE launched in Virginia: pvMB 10/14/19

Hello and welcome to this Columbus/Indigenous Peoples day edition of the pvMB!

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