A state entity, the California Public Advocates Office (PAO), released a report suggesting that residents who have invested in rooftop solar should be force-shifted onto a regulatory scheme that would greatly diminish the value of their investments.
The PAO released a fact sheet claiming that rooftop solar net metering will create an $8.6 billion cost for non-solar customers in the state, and that this number is increasing. As a result, it has advised that net energy metering (NEM) 1.0 and 2.0 customers are forced to shift to the far less advantageous NEM 3.0 rate structure.
The issue at hand is justified based on the “cost shift” problem, a claim backed by utilities that electric bill payers that do not have rooftop solar are subsidizing their solar-installed neighbors. By paying solar customers a retail rate for electricity exported to the grid from a rooftop solar array, utilities say they are incurring a cost that must be paid in the form of raised electric rates.
The California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA) released a factsheet in response to PAO, debunking PAO’s assumptions about the cost shift. Specifically, it rejects that self-generation of electricity poses a cost to utilities, rejects the assumption that grid infrastructure costs are fixed, and challenges the foundation of the Avoided Cost Calculator, which is used to set the rate for solar exports. More details can be found here.
“For years, the State of California has encouraged people to invest in rooftop solar for the benefit of all. As a result, two million consumers have invested $40 billion to collectively build 12 gas power plants-worth of clean energy. If California goes back on its word, it would not only anger millions of people, it would undermine the solar market going forward as well,” said CALSSA.
The PAO is an agency designed to be a voice for California residents, interacting with the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on energy related regulatory issues. It has historically repeatedly released guidance that dovetails with the demands of the state’s three multi-billion-dollar private electric utilities.
“This cost burden – commonly referred to as a cost shift – to non-rooftop solar customers of Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric has risen from $3.4 billion annually in 2021 to $8.5 billion annually by the end of 2024, and it will continue to grow in coming years,” said PAO.
This was the central argument that led to the passage of NEM 3.0, a regulatory structure which transitioned the state from paying lucrative retail rates for solar grid exports to “avoided cost” rates that are roughly 80% lower. The change led to a nosedive in installations in the state, dropping it out of the number one spot for installations for the first time in over a decade.
California has since suffered numerous solar installer bankruptcies and lost tens of thousands of jobs. Solar advocates have argued that while a full retail rate could not be paid forever, the move to NEM 3.0 was too steep of a cut. It’s an issue so contentious that ongoing litigation has brought the issue of NEM 3.0 to California Supreme Court.
For solar owners, PAO suggested the shift from NEM 1.0 and 2.0 to 3.0, also known as net billing tariff (NBT), would occur upon the sale of a home, or after 10 years of interconnection. Most homeowners signed a net metering agreement along with their 25 year loan or lease with the expectation that their agreement would span the life of the solar array. However, net metering agreements do not have any legally binding requirement to grandfather in existing customers for their system’s life.
The PAO also suggested that NEM 2.0 customers have their compensation rates frozen to the time in which they signed the agreement. Rather than being paid a retail rate that increases with the ever-rising electric utility rates, it would remain fixed, cutting down on the benefit of solar.
Silver linings?
However, NEM 3.0, while a shot to the hamstring for the solar industry, has come with some benefits. More than half of solar installations are now opting to include battery energy storage, up from 20% or less in 2023. This may provide critical for California’s clean energy transition, as the intermittent cycles of generation of solar do not match up directly with when power is being used.
This mismatch can be best described with a chart known as the “duck curve,” which shows the daily imbalance the California grid struggles with. Battery energy storage allows this duck curve to be smoothed out, delivering power when demand reaches a high point. This helps grid managers avoid building out inefficient natural gas “peaker” plants to serve those high-demand hours.

Vincent Ambrose, chief commercial officer, FranklinWH told pv magazine USA about the many ways batteries can help solar evolve and continue to serve California residents’ power demands.
“You can think of PV like a knife, it cuts one way, does one thing, and does it efficiently. It produces electricity,” said Ambrose. “When you take a look at an energy management system with a battery, now you’ve got a Swiss Army Knife. It serves all kinds of functions, whole-home backup, peak shaving, load management, even grid-interactive services.”
While batteries offer customers at home a lot more flexibility, those that were sold a solar array with no battery during NEM 1.0 and 2.0 may find themselves in a financially precarious position on their investment should the PAO’s suggestion become reality.
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Solar residents with a PPA (where the system provider is paid by the solar resident per kWh generated) would save almost nothing under this plan. Some, if not many, would end up paying more for having solar than if they had no solar.
The CPUC considered forcing existing solar residents to NEM3 in the NEM3 proceeding, but dropped it. No analysis was provided in the NEM3 proceeding to understand how financially devastating this could be to solar residents, especially non-cash-paying residents.
Pge will say anything to make more money… Where is the government protection from corporate crooks?
Imagine the cost to non solar customers if net metered customers decide to purchase a battery bank and cut loose of the power companies completely…. It wouldn’t take much of a surcharge to encourage this. When energy is traded between the big prducers do they charge each other a surcharge for grid use? Naw, I didn’t think so.
What the CPUC allowed with PG&E was criminal. Instead of forcing PG&E shareholders to eat the cost of fixing aging infrastructure, they passed those costs on to their customers. Unlike shareholders, these customers did not have any choice or say in the matter. Shareholders reaped the benefits of profits achieved largely through decades of underfunded operations and maintenance and then walked away virtually unscathed as the CPUC shifted that financial obligation to current customers. My PG&E rate jumped to $0.42/KWH foe Tier 1 and $0.54 for Tier 2, while my neighbors a few blocks away on irrigation district power pay $0.13/KWH. The CPUC is supposed to look out for the consumer, but instead decided to side with big business. How do we fix this? Well, the CPUC isn’t elected, but the governor that appoints them is. These policies that our elected officials are implementing are for the benefit of themselves via the big corporations that fund their campaigns. We the people apparently are just here to provide the tax dollars that the politicians direct to corporations that will support their campaigns to stay in power. No one is looking out for the average citizen as we are forced to direct more and more of our income to where our overlords see fit.
My last comment is in moderation, but here’s more from the same article.
“Anyone who puts up solar is being a great citizen for their neighbors and for their local utility. Customers with solar distributed generation are making it so utility companies don’t have to make as many infrastructure investments, while at the same time solar shaves down peak demands when electricity is the most expensive.”
They are all criminals. Time to go off grid
These companies garrentee 8% profit and I am sure buying my solar power for pennies and selling it for much more, they are laughing all the way to the bank.
How is it legal to completely screw over the people that got solar years ago?
I will absolutely go off grid if they try and take nem 1.0 and 2.0 from the people. The CPUC is corrupt and so is PG&E and the rest. They are gonna f around and find out. I will literally rip they meter on my house and live off grid in the city. Who is gonna stop me? I guarantee you no one. Solar is power to the people. All people right and left, black and white. Enough with these lies. Solar companies and solar customers have been building out PG&Es grid for them with solar. They get ENORMOUS benefits
1000% to the comment below, I will also go off grid instead of go off NEM 2.0.
I signed up with Tesla 2 years ago under nem 2.0. I was promised a dollar to dollar kickback for extra solar production. That means if I pay $0.34 per kilowatt then I should receive $0.34 back …right ? SCE pays me back at a wholesale rate as well Surcharges me the baseline credit most receive. Instead of getting a baseline credit I get no credit but charged $30-$60 a month for being net positive. I’m also required to pay $0.60 per kilowatt for using electricity from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. That’s 600% higher than what smud charges in Sacramento. That’s why people in Southern California invest in solar because they’re being ripped off by the giant electric privately owned corporations. I had to invest $20, 000 to get electricity that was affordable. In the end they’re charging me $0.60 per kilowatt and paying me $0.10 per kilowatt. Nem 2.0 was not fair. It’s a total rip-off. Nem 3.0 should have never been created because nem 2.0 It’s way too good of a deal for the giant electric companies already. Just charge a flat rate of like $35 a month for being grid tied. That’s all that’s necessary and it’ll eliminate the 60 page monthly bill that a CPA couldn’t figure out.
I have to say nothing we do to save energy will save any money in the long run. Americans were duped into changing out all lights to LED lighting and why so the electric companies may raise the price up more to fill in the gap. Stretch us out thin as can be to fleece our wallets. What a gigantic scam it all is.
This is what happens when one party is allowed to be in power permanently.
How are non-solar customers being burdened by rooftop solar generation? My over production in the summer could easily go towards a neighbor with no solar to help them pay for energy if they cannot pay as much—because PGE is getting it free from me, and my neighbors on both sides. Instead, they are selling it to other states for a profit. Rooftop solar COULD benefit everyone. Remember summer 2024 heatwave…everyone ran the A/C and plugged in their EVs and there was no problem with power grid.
It should be illegal to alter customers charge and return rates after installing solar. It’s really out of hand what utility companies are allowed to get away with. Come on corporate commission, do your jobs and protect the consumers, not the multi billion dollar entities
So because..
I added electrical capacity to the grid
Reduced or almost eliminated my electrical demand
I am not allowed to get paid like every other electrical provider?
I am providing a clean energy source so I get discriminated against?
If the energy companies aren’t making enough money they just need to reduce middle and upper management since they aren’t providing as much electrical power to their customers. That will allow them to keep their insane monopoly profits and solar households can still get paid like they should.
I’m pretty sure we–and most if not all other SDGE-NEM customers–have a twenty-year agreement. If these were anything other than government-sanctioned enterprises, the state would enforce estoppel rights and PAO would not even suggest such a change.
I suppose we should be happy that someone in power is acknowledging the perversity of their meddling in the solar market.
I understand the duck curve. And with this new move to make electricity costs “fair” across the board, I’m being paid just a few pennies for the kWh’s that my expensive PV system generates. And at the same time, I’m being CHARGED 40-50c per kW even at the bottom of that duck curve! How does THAT make sense? Electricity should be damn-near free for those of us who have created that duck curve with our PV systems. The pricing structure does not appropriately account for the current curve. That curve is apparently ONLY used to show how terrible us producers are.
Does it surprise anyone that the head of an investment fund with massive holdings in CA public utilities has familial ties to the CA state government.
Hopefully the wildfires don’t spread and don’t burn down Sacramento.
Do what you are told, get solar done, and reap the repercussions. I get it—California, per usual.
Remember, these groups support utilities, not consumers. The idea of a cost shift is a lie. Solar energy has cut the costs of utilities’ investment in new generating sources. Don’t believe this. An accurate cost shift is the transfer of the pollution generated by utilities burning fossil fuels to humanity. These are actual costs, health issues, early deaths, and climate change.
Anyone who actually PAYS for electricity has the wrong system installed.
The Utilities in California do not sell you electricity; they only deliver it. It is like buying a $1 candy bar and paying FedEx $25 to deliver it.
The trick is not to buy ANY electricity at all, and storing as many kWh as you can in a battery for when the sun don’t shine. As to the Utilities “buying” any of your surplus – that is an iilusion. I have recently finished my first year with solar and one battery. I did not pay anything for electricity as I used none; however, I did have to pay about $12 per month to “rent” my electric meter. During that year I produced over 5,300 kWh in surplus to the grid for which I was paid all of $111 – or less than $0.02 [two cents] per kWh. This almost covered the meter charge.
Each day, excess power not used or stored is sent to the grid. But, due to “Time of Use” rate charges, all that midday power is credited at a very low rate, and power used after 4 PM is charged at a much higher rate. Now the Utilities want to lower the credit rate and triple (at a minimum) the meter charge. Heads they win, Tails you lose.
The only way to save money is to use a battery to time shift your sunshine, the same way you did with your old VCR. I am adding a second battery and entering into a contract with San Diego Community Power (the people who actually DO sell the electricty) to sell my own surplus power (when it’s needed) and thus eliminating at least some of the middlemen.
What the CPUC allowed with PG&E was criminal. Instead of forcing PG&E shareholders to eat the cost of fixing aging infrastructure, they passed those costs on to their customers. Unlike shareholders, these customers did not have any choice or say in the matter. Shareholders reaped the benefits of profits achieved largely through decades of underfunded operations and maintenance and then walked away virtually unscathed as the CPUC shifted that financial obligation to current customers. My PG&E rate jumped to $0.42/KWH foe Tier 1 and $0.54 for Tier 2, while my neighbors a few blocks away on irrigation district power pay $0.13/KWH. The CPUC is supposed to look out for the consumer, but instead decided to side with big business. How do we fix this? Well, the CPUC isn’t elected, but the governor that appoints them is. These policies that our elected officials are implementing are for the benefit of themselves via the big corporations that fund their campaigns. We the people apparently are just here to provide the tax dollars that the politicians direct to corporations that will support their campaigns to stay in power. No one is looking out for the average citizen as we are forced to direct more and more of our income to where our overlords see fit.
We installed solar with battery arbitrage and battery backup. The accompanying monitoring system let’s us control our grid consumption right down to the watt! And if we have a power outage, 20% of our battery is allocated to backing up predetermined essential circuits in our home. Received our 1st bill and our panel power production covered a significant percentage of our total power usage. The rest came from the grid. We learned much that 1st month and our current solar production is covering nearly 90 % of our household power needs. The home runs the entire night on battery as it is charging during the day. We have sent some power to the grid and will get some credits but under NEM3 aka NBT, it is Pennies on the dollar. Best to use as much as possible during the day which takes a little adjustment.
I wish I was compensated for excess power sent to the grid. I receive 3 cents per kw at my year end True Up for any excess. PGE
NEM 2 is not paid at retail. At true up, my excess exported kWh is paid at 3¢ while I’m charged 30¢ (avg) for imported.
That number keeps going down. My recent true up paid me at less than $0.02
Meanwhlle all utilities are making record profits and their CEO’s millions in extra bonus’s every year, because yeah, they can’t afford to but solar back from us at retail rates, and just have to raise prices for non solar owners because of it. Such Political and Big Business BS. Need to vote Newsome and his cronies out!
PG&E gets a lot from installed solar. They are crazy. Everyone will just go off grid as they can afford it. Bye PG&E you will slowly lose millions of customers
The CPUC’s continued capitulation to California’s predatory power companies will likely end up in the courts. Essentially unilaterally eliminating NEM 1.0 and 2.0 will get a lot of solar owners signing up for class-action lawsuits. Of course the attorneys defending the utilities and the CPUC will all get paid along the way ultimately by the customers of same predatory electric monopolies. What a scam…
Does this cost shift problem exist in municipally owned utilities like in Los Angeles, Alameda (city), and Santa Clara (city)? These city don’t seem to aggressively stop solar like the publicly traded capitalist hellscape companies do.
The power companies and the state promoted solar to prevent them from having to build new power plants shifting that cost to the consumers when people did that it decreased the amount of energy used and thus the income to the utility companies. They wanted the same income as before so they raised the rates. Changing the reimbursement rates for home produced power basically is telling all the people that invested in solar that they were fools for trusting the PUC and power companies. The PUC has become puppets for the utility companies, giving them ridiculous increases and rule changes to increase profits every time they cry “were poor”
Why would anyone expect their Utility to pay them retail for electricity they generate? It’s a loosing proposition for any Utility. How do they expect to cover operating costs when there’s zero profit? PG&E’s NEM 1&2 played to the greed in people, and NEM 3 was a correction to the problem. Why when you sell power to the Utility do people think the Utility should be forced to pay them more than they pay Commercial power generators? When I first heard that PG&E paid retail prices back to solar customers I thought “That’s crazy!” and indeed it was, which is why they finally switched to NEM 3, which is more in line with what other Utilities are paying.
They made 2 Billion profit last year alone, and have zero competition. It the worst combination of government force and corporate greed. They should be allowed to charge what they want if i can pick what provider i want.
You have the wrong information here. I’m on NEM2 (so far). Last year I generated $1560 more electricity than I used. PG&E gave me a “credit” for $250 at true up. That’s not paying retail for electricity.
The “Duck Curve” is the most misleading and improper way to look at the impact of solar. I have been preaching for many years that this approach has got the solar industry into the mess that it is currently in. The lowest loaded day in spring is the LEAST important day of the year to the state of California. Instead, all of solar’s enemies use this completely meaningless graph to prove that solar is detrimental to California. Nothing could be further from the truth. Try showing the highest load day in the summer and superimpose what that day would look like without solar. That is the real story. As legitimate journalists, these are the facts that need to be put before the politicians in Sacramento and at the Public Utilities Commission–they are not technical people–they are politicians.
I signed a contract for solar on 2/9/2024 under NEM2
I received a letter from PGE stating that they were putting me on NEM3 because I had signed a contract after 4/14/2023.
I spoke to someone at PGE who continuously told me I had signed up after the 4/14/2023 date.
This is not true. PGE came to my house in March of 2023 to work with the solar company after the permits had been secured.
At that time, they tried to delay things stating that I may need trenching and they wouldn’t be able to do it for a year.
They came back a few months later and changed their minds.
Obviously, if they were already working with the solar company in March 2023, there were signed contracts in place.
When I spoke to PGE, they blamed it on the solar company and told me to call the solar company.
I could not do that because the solar company filed bankruptcy in June 2024 and closed their doors, a fact that I’m sure PGE knew when they had the nerve to tell me to call them.
This needs to be straightened out because NEM3 is not worth it, I wasn’t provided a battery because on NEM 2 it isn’t necessary and does this mean that PGE will just be stealing all the excess electricity my panels produce?
I can be reached at 916-459-9479.
Thank you,
Donna LaBelle
3120 Live Oak Blvd. #19
Yuba City, CA 95991
I had solar installed in 2023 on the information of nem 2.0 PGE had me on this plan for the first year. As I watched the dollars grow in the app I was excited. My wife continued to pay our PGE bill waiting for the solar to start paying us back since we were told the pay out would cover and soon enough the cost of our rental agreement would be the only bill we would pay and should be receiving a true up check. This never happened and now we’re told we on nem3.0. Who is to blame Sunrun or PGE? And what are the next steps