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Maryland greenlights 192.1 MW in community solar projects

The three-year pilot program is expected to jumpstart community solar in the state, proving the viability of this fast-growing industry segment.

NRG to lay off more residential solar employees

The company will retain its presence in C&I and utility-scale solar, but is further moving its residential activities to origination and sales for other companies.

Arizona county solicits 1.5 GW in solar

Thanks to efforts by a local congressman that sets aside 8,800 acres for economic expansion, La Paz County has issued a request-for-proposal (RFP) that would bring 1.5 GW of solar farms to the county.

Governors to Trump: Keep your hands off our renewables

The Governors’ Wind and Solar Energy Coalition, a bipartisan group including the chief executives of 20 states, wrote an open letter to President Donald J. Trump demanding his support for pro-clean-energy policies.


SunPower reports heavy losses in Q4 results

The company took a big hit from restructuring charges, as its latest quarter of dismal financials.


sonnen to open new manufacturing and R&D hub in Atlanta

Production at the InnovationHub expected to commence in the second quarter of the year, the German storage specialist confirmed. Facility combines sonnen’s U.S. manufacturing operations and product research capabilities.

Borrego Solar claims 76% growth in 2016

The company says its leadership in New York and Massachusetts provided the biggest boost to the installer’s bottom line.

SolarEdge Q2 2017 financials show record 35% gross margin

Israeli module level power electronics firm posts highest gross margin to date despite slowdown in U.S. residential market, which remains the firm’s chief revenue stream.

Nevada bill would raise RPS to 80% by 2040

AB 206, introduced yesterday into the Nevada Legislature by Assemblyman Chris Brooks, sets an aggressive ramp up of the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to four-times its current level of 20%.

The U.S. solar market nearly doubled in 2016 to 14.6 GW

The latest figures from GTM Research and SEIA show that for the first time, solar was the largest source of new generation by capacity.

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