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El Paso has impressive clean energy potential, but its utility is trying to block solar’s growth

In this op-ed, Environmental Defense Fund’s John Hall argues that El Paso Electric’s recent rate proposal, including discriminatory rates for pv system owners, will undermine the city’s ability to reach its potential.


HECO grid plan could enable 3x as much rooftop solar in Hawaii

Six months after regulators rejected the first plan, HECO has proposed another vision for the state’s electric grid, which is heavier on software than hardware.

San Antonio continues its transformation into “Sun” Antonio

A recent City Council decision to join the SolarHost program could save the city $11,800 per year.

#Solar100’s Danny Kennedy: The Most Interesting Man in Solar

As the first interview in the #Solar100 Thought Leaders series, kWh Analytics Founder Richard Matsui speaks with Sungevity co-Founder and Managing Director of the California Clean Energy Fund Danny Kennedy.


Oregon sets rules for 160 MW of community solar

Regulators in the Northwest state have approved rules for participation in the state’s community solar program, however advocates stress that there is more work to be done.

G20 nations dragging their heels on low-carbon transition, reports find

Study from Climate Transparency shows that while green finance among G20 nations has been stepped up, legacy commitments to fossil fuels mean countries will miss “well below 2 degree” warming limit set at Paris Agreement. Fossil fuel spending still four times higher than renewable spending, Oil Change International report also finds.

Shell Oil commits (maybe) to renewable energy

In buying leading independent power producer MP2 Energy, Shell Energy North America may finally have settled on their official renewable energy position, but stay tuned – it has changed its mind back and forth a lot in the past two years.

Evidence piles up: Michigan says solar users benefit state’s grid

The Wolverine State asked the Institute for Energy Innovation to complete an analysis of solar customer’s effects on non-solar customers ahead of a Public Service Commission study designed to shape the state’s solar policy in the future.


Massachusetts joins energy storage revolution with 200 MWh goal

On Friday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced the state will reach its goal by New Year’s Day 2020, with the help of a prior $10 million commitment to support the state’s storage companies and develop policy options to encourage energy storage deployment.


Great Recession-level economic losses could become reality if climate change left unchecked, research shows

Inequality will widen with many poorer parts of the US on course to see their income reduced by 20% if climate change continues to accelerate.


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