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United States

Real estate constraints, finance are key problems for rooftop solar in Washington D.C.

A new report finds that the nation’s capital has the ability to host up to 2.5 GW of rooftop solar potential and looks at ways to reach that potential.

Perovskite researchers nab $1.45 million grant in California

The University of California system has granted solar-cell researchers at UC San Diego the money to accelerate research into a technology it hopes will cut the costs of solar power in half.


Solar Frontier sells 40 MW California solar plant to Dominion

The U.S. development unit of the Japanese CIS thin-film manufacturer has completed the sale of the 40 MW-DC Midway II project in California.

Bosch Solar voluntarily recalls 28,000 solar panels

The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission partnered with the California company to recall PV modules that could overheat and catch fire, though no incidents or injuries have been reported.


Salt Lake City joins cascade of cities committing to 100% renewables

The dominoes are starting to fall solar’s way, as the Utah capital committed to producing all of its electricity from renewable sources in 15 years, joining an ever-growing group of cities who have already done so.

20 MW of “grid-supply” solar capacity becomes available in Hawaii

HECO has identified space for 2,800 rooftop PV systems under a previously closed program that allows customers to export to the grid.

“Ice batteries” become available in Southern California

Ice Energy expects to deploy up to 1,800 Ice Bear systems to C&I customers and a municipality in Orange County.

APS says solar, energy efficiency to make up 50% of new production

Arizona’s largest investor-owned utility says the next 15 years will include significant increases in solar production, battery storage products and significant reductions in coal-fired production plants.

Solar increases values of Northeast homes considerably, study finds (with a Top 10 list)

Data collected by a Department of Energy Sunshot Initiative funded startup joined forces with realty firm Redfin and found homes in the Northeast with solar panels sold for an average of nearly $99,000 more than those without them.


Maryland legislation backs growing role for energy storage

If signed by the governor, two bills will provide tax credits for energy storage systems and study methods to increase storage deployment.

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