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Yieldco 8point3 in holding pattern pending strategic review

The solar project holding company continues to shell out generous dividends, but project acquisition is on hold pending conclusion of the company’s strategic review.

Enphase threatened with de-listing due to low stock price

The warning from NASDAQ follows financial difficulties at the microinverter pioneer

Tesla to withdraw South Carolina solar presence

The pending closure of the company’s office in Charleston is the latest sign of a changing approach to residential solar from the market leader.

New Jersey solar relatively steady in the first five months of 2017

Despite slower solar numbers in its monthly reports, NJ BPU expects a decline of at most 15% by the time data is finalized.

No TEP-id response to proposed Arizona rate changes

A packed house at the Arizona Corporation Commission indicated intense public interest in proposed rate changes that critics say punish solar customers but which Tucson Electric Power says are necessary so they can invest more in solar.

Energy storage is already cost-competitive in the C&I sector

Cheaper battery prices sees storage playing a broader role in energy markets, particularly for commercial customers seeking to reduce peak consumption, according to research from McKinsey.

California’s C&I solar sector thrown into chaos with TOU changes

California regulators are proposing to move C&I customers onto pending time-of-use rates starting on August 1 – despite a lack of clarity as to the details of those rates.


Tell us your stories for the 6th pv magazine Quality Roundtable at SPI

pv magazine will hold its 6th Quality Roundtable during the Solar Power International trade show in Las Vegas this September, and we’re looking for all of your darkest stories of projects gone wrong.

Brattle Group finds no need for “baseload” on the grid

The group’s report for NRDC attempts to put to rest one of the central myths underlying U.S. Energy Secretary Perry’s pending report on the nation’s grid

‘Fatal flaw’: Suniva demands GTM retract ‘inaccurate report’

The company says the central assumption of the report – a $1.18 per watt floor price – is wrong and that the headlines resulting from the report could harm its trade case.


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