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EQ Research: Utilities failing at fixed charge increases

The research firm’s latest analysis of utility rate case filings finds regulators often rejecting the hikes on fixed charges that many utilities are asking for. However, the general direction of fixed charges is still upwards.

Land secured for massive solar farm in Michigan

The project, developed by Ranger solar, would represent a 200% increase in Michigan’s entire installed capacity as a state by the time of its anticipated completion in 2020.


Democrats sweep AEE clean energy scorecards

Trade group Advanced Energy Economy has published a scorecard which ranks candidates in nine gubernatorial races on clean energy issues, and one of the two major parties is largely missing in action.

Michigan resumes PURPA in Consumers Energy territory

With state regulators settling on conditions for PURPA contracts after a 10-month suspension, SEIA says that the state’s solar market can now move forward. However, the devil may still be in details yet to come.

Michigan rules on five solar programs: three move forward

State regulators have authorized two Consumers Energy green pricing programs, while telling a third – by DTE Energy – to do a bit more cost calculations. Additionally, Consumers’ Solar Gardens program was approved.

Scientists claim 10% saving for black silicon cell production with dry etching

Researchers from Michigan Technological University and Finland’s Aalto University say they have demonstrated that the cost per unit of power of black silicon PERC cells could fall 10.8%, despite an increase in cell processing cost.


RBI Solar integrates, literally and figuratively, SolarBOS

Gibraltar Industries, owner of solar racking company RBI Solar, of Cincinnati, OH has acquired balance of system designer SolarBOS, of California.

Michigan municipality going 100% renewable

The Traverse City Light and Power Company has approved a plan to move to 100% renewable energy by 2040. The interim plan inlcudes a goal of 15% renewable by 2021, and 40% by 2025.


Detroit Lions add solar to stadium and team facilities

The Lions become the 12th NFL franchise to add solar power to their facilities, furthering a growing trend that now includes 38% of the league.

DTE seeks to increase fixed charges on solar customers in rate case

Media coverage to date has focused largely on DTE Energy’s electric vehicle programs. But in the 1108-page filing, the utility is also seeking to increase fixed charges, including imposing a per-kW charge on its customers who go solar.


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