The Bighorn Solar project is one of the largest on-site solar facilities in the U.S. dedicated to a single customer, with more than 750,000 solar panels on 1,800 acres near Pueblo, Colorado.
The airport will buy electricity via 25-year power purchase agreements that are expected to save it $3 million over the term.
Four energy storage companies were awarded $18 million as part of the Energy Department’s Long Duration Storage Shot.
The deal brings Colorado-based Catalyze a project development pipeline of more than 80 MW and adds to two earlier deals for solar and storage companies.
Denver-based SunShare said the investment will allow it to expand into new states.
The order is expected to strengthen Soltec’s operating backlog, which stood at nearly $430 million at the end of the second quarter.
The hybrid facility will test solar and wind energy working in tandem, as well as various energy storage and control technologies.
The 127 MW Boutique Solar project is in development in the state’s far southwestern corner.
President Joe Biden’s proposed Clean Electricity Standard received bipartisan support among voters in Colorado and Arizona, states that have already enacted their own standards.
The fund joins the automaker’s $35 billion investment in electric and alternative vehicles globally through 2025.
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