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Morning Brief: 200 MW proposed in Utah and ‘God likes solar’

Also in the brief: 150 MW coming to Pennsylvania, Sunnova to bundle roof replacements with solar+storage under one loan, a solar-powered big rig in Arkansas and more!

Southeast US adds 427 MW of distributed solar in 2019, as advocates press for more

Florida led the region for small-scale installations, while Maryland kept the lead on a per-capita basis. Solar advocates look to improve opportunities for distributed solar throughout the region in 2020.

Fair compensation for rooftop PV generation: lawyers make the case

The Tennessee Valley Authority will offer just over 2 cents per kWh for distributed solar, although TVA’s prior calculations show a value of 7.2 cents per kWh, or higher when counting avoided pollution. An environmental lawsuit may be brewing.


Coal lobby group drafted state utility commissioners’ letters to FERC

Emails show that the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity provided utility commissioners with a template letter to FERC – which some commissioners copied word-for-word.


Alabama sun tax challenged, 45 MW coming to Minnesota: pvMB 10/15/19

Hello one and all and welcome to this Tuesday’s pvMB. Today we’ve got in front of us a neat solar-powered, three-wheeled EV, Iowa Man yelling at the wind and sun, Duke installing 5 MW battery and more!


Alabama Power moves forward on solar & storage

The Southern Company subsidiary has asked regulators to approve long-term contracts with five 80 MW solar plants paired with 80 MW of battery storage – while at the same time filing a massively redacted IRP.


Lawsuit against TVA’s discriminatory rate structure moves forward

A a district court judge has denied the utility’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit regarding a proposed grid access charge. The lawsuit claims the nature of the charge is discriminatory to low-income and solar-minded customers.

TVA recognizes the existence of solar in long-term plan

The company’s new integrated resource plan has solar projections as high as 15 GW by 2038 and storage projections of 5.3 Gw in that same timeframe. However what will get built is still uncertain.


When disaster strikes

In this guest post George Irwin of ReNew Petra explains the essential role of skilled operations and maintenance teams in both preparation for and recovery from hurricanes.

CNN to host town hall on the climate crisis, Solar microgrid saves wedding: pvMB 7/30/19

Hello all of you wonderful people and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ve got our eyes on Georgia Power’s solar+storage Smart Neighborhood, a scathing op-ed regarding HB 6 and more!

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