As of January 31, 2023, there are more than 90 new manufacturing facilities and renewable energy projects developed in rural towns and large cities, representing an aggregate of $89.5 billion of new investments into the clean energy market, according to a Climate Power report.
An Ohio water station will enhance its ability to deliver safe and clean water during extended grid outages.
Gradient’s first generation heat pump heating and cooling system is available for preorder, and ships this summer.
Edison Electric Institute Chair Warner Baxter offers his perspective on the interconnected crises facing the energy industry during an unprecedented time.
An international research group claims that raw materials and land availability do not present a real barrier for a global energy system with solar at its center. They said that forecasts for PV growth should not have their axis on utility-scale power plants and instead consider vertical PV, agrivoltaics, and floating PV as the source of future big market volumes.
Resonant Energy’s Solar Technical Assistance Retrofit (STAR) program offers financial and technical assistance to affordable housing organizations.
When complete, the non-profit, Enterprise Community Partners, will have more than 3,000 housing units with installed solar systems.
Agrivoltaic installations with vertically oriented solar panels are increasingly being adopted and studied across the globe.
Lion Energy is supporting the Games’ “Save Winter” sustainability efforts by providing 70 Lion Safari ME generators.
IMC Solar, a local engineering contractor, will install the watershed preservation district’s solar systems at six or more office locations.
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