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PV module prices at crossroads

Martin Schachinger, founder of, said PV module prices will depend on national and international demand trends in the coming months, with outcomes ranging from increases to stagnation or further declines. Almost anything is possible, but nothing is certain.

Global solar module prices mixed on varying demand expectations

In a new weekly update for pv magazine, OPIS, a Dow Jones company, provides a quick look at the main price trends in the global PV industry.

Battery energy storage system decommissioning and end-of-life planning starts now

With a disposition plan in place, and leveraging practical knowledge and experience, Brian Davenport, vice president, energy at Industrial Process Design and Steve Feinberg, president at Bluewater Battery Logistics, break down the process into five key steps.

The U.S. economy needs VPP 2.0, utilities could deliver

Virtual power plants can play an essential role in meeting rising electricity demand, but to do so, utilities must bring them into the heart of their planning and rapidly take it to grid scale.

The fastest energy change in history continues

Solar and wind are being installed at a rate that is five times faster than all other new electricity sources combined. This offers compelling market-based evidence that PV and wind are now the most competitive and practical methods for deploying new generating capacity.


Clean energy affordability: Where does it start?

When it comes to realizing the benefits of clean energy incentives in residential areas, the spotlight shines on state and federal programs that encourage energy efficiency and weatherization efforts.

Bright U.S. Midwest contrasts with cloudy coasts in 2024

In a new weekly update for pv magazine, Solcast, a DNV company, reports that the U.S. Midwest enjoyed exceptional conditions with irradiance up to 10% above normal across the year, while areas along the Gulf Coast and much of the West Coast experienced slightly below-average sunshine.

Texas storms show industry’s solar hail defenses work

A look at the benefit of hail monitoring and stow as exemplified in three projects in Texas that were exposed to the same system of hailstorms as Fighting Jays Solar, a large project that suffered major hail damage.

Solar panel cleaning: Emerging field in environment, health and safety

Solar asset management traditionally emphasizes the electrical aspects of maintaining solar installations. However, solar panel cleaning is often an overlooked and oversimplified task within the solar industry.

Curtailing solar photovoltaics is here to stay, overbuilding PV will become normal

As the penetration of variable renewable energy increases, curtailment of solar PV generation will only increase. Since curtailment will almost always be cheaper than investing in new transmission capacity or new grid-scale storage, curtailed energy should be rewarded, so that PV investment decisions can include curtailment as one of the flexibility options for grid operators.

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