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Markets & Policy

Sungevity to go public through acquisition by asset management firm

The fifth-largest distributed solar installer in the United States will now be traded on the NASDAQ, which is expected to give it a capitalization of $607 million.

Every little bit helps for California’s PV deployment

California is leading the way with inventive ways to deploy solar technology, as not only will San Francisco’s bus stops be lit up with solar lanterns, but the HERO program has hit another major milestone, making energy savings equivalent to closing two coal power plants for a year.

North American leaders to set out target of 50% “clean” electricity by 2025

Obama, Trudeau and Peña Nieto will be presenting the target, which will include nuclear and carbon capture and storage, at a summit of the three leaders.

Sunrun increases rooftop solar credit facility to $245m

The U.S. residential solar company has secured an additional $40 million in working capital from investors to support the expansion of its rooftop solar projects, especially the New York market.

SunEdison appoints new CFO as incumbent departs after just two months

The troubled and bankrupt renewable energy firm announces the appointment of Philip Gund as its new chief financial officer a week after CEO Ahmad Chatila resigned.

SunPower, First Solar and SunEdison cornered 44% of North American O&M market in 2015: IHS

Analysis by IHS reveals how the three solar firms captured almost half of the operations and maintenance market last year, which grew to more than $300 million.

SEIA: Texas will become the 2nd-largest U.S. solar market in the next five years

GTM Research and the U.S. solar trade group forecast that Texas will install 4.6 GW of solar PV over the next five years, nearly all of which will be utility-scale.


Wacker Chemie partners with 1366 Technologies

The world’s second-largest polysilicon maker will provide the kerfless wafer startup with a $15 million equity investment, a supply of polysilicon and technical assistance.


Solar market hitting new heights, as costs keep dropping

The solar market is growing at an unprecedented rate, with a possibility that there could be 700 GW of installed PV across the world by 2020, according to a new report from SolarPower Europe. There is great reason to be excited within the solar industry, after experiencing a record breaking year in 2015, which saw […]

Europe’s solar forecast: partly shaded

European markets: In a continent seeking ever closer union but ever stronger opposition, solar’s ability to stand on its own two feet – free from subsidy – will prove crucial in the coming years, as seen in the disparate approaches many European nations are taking towards PV.

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