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Markets & Policy

Obama Administration to unlock PACE as part of 1 GW program for low- and mid-income solar

The Federal Housing Authority and Veterans Administration are issuing guidance for the residential clean energy financing programs, in an effort to lift roadblocks to PACE nationwide.


Deutsche Bank: U.S. utility-scale solar costs to fall below $1 per watt

The bank says that lower-than-expected U.S. demand coupled with significant new module supply is leading to greatly reduced costs and prices in the U.S. market.


InterSolar North America Wraps with Volume Growth

The famed InterSolar North America solar trade show here in San Francisco wrapped up late last week with an increase in several indicator categories, most important among which was the 10 percent rise in exhibitor space by 550 companies, indicative of the strong manufacturer outlook for near term growth.


Hawaiian Electric Companies to go it alone

The utility says that it is financially well-positioned as an independent company and reaffirms its commitment to the state’s 100% by 2045 clean energy mandate.

SolarWorld under pressure to find resolution to Hemlock court case

IHS Senior Research Director Ash Sharma spoke to pv magazine to give his take on the SolarWorld and Hemlock Semiconductor initial ruling last week, and how the two companies are likely to proceed from here, expecting that SolarWorld is feeling the pressure to come to an agreement quickly.


SolarCity raises $345 million in tax equity

The U.S. distributed solar market leader’s capital markets team has raised more than $1.5 billion so far in 2016, despite a depressed stock value.

Hawaii nixes NextEra takeover of Hawaiian Electric Companies

Failure to make adequate commitments to clean energy and distributed generation in particular are among the reasons Hawaiian regulators shot down the deal.

U.S. Federal Court rules against SolarWorld in polysilicon dispute

The U.S. court adjudicating on the legal dispute between SolarWorld subsidiary Deutsche Solar and Hemlock Semiconductor has granted a motion for a summary judgment, dismissing SolarWorld’s submission for the case to be heard by a jury. The dispute stems from three multi-year polysilicon supply deals negotiated and signed between 2005 and 2007. SolarWorld argues that it is not beholden to these supply deals as they were subsequently amended by the two parties.


U.S. commercial storage to be economically attractive in 19 states by 2021

Financially viable in just a handful of states today, commercial storage will make economic sense across 19 states by 2021 as battery costs fall, finds a GTM Research report.

Bill introduced to extend the ITC to energy storage

Introduced in the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate, the new Energy Storage Tax Incentive and Deployment Act has the potential to do for residential and commercial storage what the previous tax credit did for solar.


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