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SolarCity drags down Tesla’s Q4 results

The EV, battery and now solar company fell into the red in Q4 concurrent with the acquisition of SolarCity, as it begins making batteries at its Gigafactory and prepares for Model 3 roll-out.

First Solar goes all in on Series 6

The company took a significant hit in its Q4 results due to restructuring and impairments, as it shuts down lines and orders tools for the transition to its Series 6 modules.

100% by 2045 renewable energy bill introduced in California

The leader of the California Senate has introduced a bill that would put the state tied with Hawaii for the most aggressive renewable energy mandate in the nation, and one of the most aggressive in the world.

Indiana solar industry blasts Senate committee on anti-net-metering bill

After the Indiana Senate passed SB 309 out of committee last Thursday, the Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance delivered a blistering letter to the Utilities Committee chair, saying the bill’s author misrepresented the intent of his bill to obscure his real goal – eliminating net-metering from the state.


Florida keeps solar momentum moving forward

Two initiatives concerning co-ops and PACE will expand solar’s reach in the Sunshine State.

Iowa not heaven for solar net metering

Under a new rule proposed by Interstate Power and Light and accepted by the Iowa Utilities Board, the amount of energy eligible for net metering will be capped at a percentage of the customer’s previous-year’s energy use.

NRG to lay off more residential solar employees

The company will retain its presence in C&I and utility-scale solar, but is further moving its residential activities to origination and sales for other companies.

SunPower reports heavy losses in Q4 results

The company took a big hit from restructuring charges, as its latest quarter of dismal financials.


The U.S. solar market nearly doubled in 2016 to 14.6 GW

The latest figures from GTM Research and SEIA show that for the first time, solar was the largest source of new generation by capacity.

El Paso Electric’s 2017 rate case asks to discriminate against solar customers

The case includes a request to create a special rate class for solar distributed-generation customers, including a new demand charge, to “establish a fair rate structure that reflects the cost to serve each customer class.”


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